This website was born in 2006 and was originally used to advertise Comrades in Arms’ very first WW2 airsoft event. Comrades in Arms was set up by five like-minded experienced airsofters with an interest in WW2 who were frustrated with the Catch-22 of there being no WW2 airsoft games due to too few players with authentic kit and yet too few players because of the lack of games.
The project took off and for the next seven years a busy calendar of events evolved along with a thriving community of players. Increasingly other players and airsoft event organisers also took on the challenge of organising games of their own, each with a different style of play.
As the WW2 airsoft scene has expanded and diversified, so the internet presence has changed. Today, this website and its associated forum are run independently of any organiser, organisation, site or manufacturer. Its aim is to bring everyone together and provide a central hub of information, a focus for the community and links elsewhere.
There is an associated lively and friendly community forum, again independent, that welcomes new and old players alike:
The information on this website is drawn from many sources, not least of which is the community itself with many articles and guides being contributed, all taking on board the principle of sharing knowledge and enthusiasm.
You can contact me, the webmaster, by email or by using the contact form on this website
Email to:
Thank you for visiting. Come back soon, there is always something new!
David Pratt, webmaster
The Comrades in Arms organiser’s web site is now stand-alone and can be found at: