British: Hallamshire Battalion

Basis of impression The Hallamshire Battalion were a Territorial Army Battalion from the Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment. The impression described here is for is for their involvement in the Battle for Normandy and the successful liberation of Arnhem in 1944. Head •...

British: 2nd South Staffords

Basis of impression The 2nd South Staffords was part of the 1st Airlanding Brigade and was deployed into battle by Glider. They took part in the Sicily landings and later in the doomed assault on Arnhem during Operation Market Garden. Head • Maroon Airborne Beret....

British: 52nd Lowland Division – Winter ’44

Basis of impression The 52nd Lowland Division was primarily a Scots based formation trained for mountain and arctic warfare. The division were one of the first to receive the new windproof combat suits and other specialist mountain kit before it became general issue....

British: No2 Commando

Basis of impression No2 Commando were one of the Army Commando units set up in WW2 and were disbanded after WW2. They were not associated with the Royal Marines like the current British Commandos are.The uniform for No2 commando is very flexible and could include such...

British: Airborne basic impression

Basis of impression Cheap as chips British Airborne impression – by mixing post-war items with original items plus bits found in army surplus stores an excellent look can be out together. The entire impression will be well under £100 plus the cost of your...

US: 101st Airborne

“The Screaming Eagles” – Basis of impression Pictured is an impression of a Autumn/Winter “Operation Market Garden/Bastogne” era 101st Airborne Junior NCO with an M1a1 Thompson. 101st Airborne were involved in the war from the invasion of Normandy...