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[Sticky] Important notices - please read

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Please take note:

Players are welcome to arrive Saturday evening for a bit of a social and sleep overnight in the tunnels. The tunnels must be vacated at endex on Sunday 21st Aug approx 5pm.

Vehicles may be used in-game but by invitation only.

Due to a few instances in the last game of WW2 airsoft at this site there was a degree of hesitance on behalf of the site owner to allow us back.
If a wall looks like it may collapse if you lean on it then please donÒ€™t lean on it!
It could be a good idea to report any hazards you may notice occurring to the leader of your team who can then take appropriate action.

This site is a historic site of some importance and some of the rooms will be out of bounds or at least no fire zones. Some areas have also been deemed as a safety risk.

There is a Portaloo on site, so please please please do not use the un-plumbed toilets of which there are many on site. Anyone found doing so will be given a plastic bag and ordered to stick there hand down and remove it. :whistle:

Torches should be used but must be of a 'period' style and power PLEASE BRING ONE. Modern high intensity torches may be carried for emergency purposes but may not be used in-game.

You should carry all you need for the day on your person or stash at command points. Returning to your car during the event is frowned upon - it's not only inconvenient to your fellow players, but also breaks the suspension of disbelief.

You do not need to be a member of Comrades in Arms to attend this event, it is open to all.

Thanks to CW for providing the backbone of a number of these postings I have stolen from his other game threads.

More rules and notices will be applied to this thread over the coming weeks as we find out more information from coming site visits etc.

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 08/03/2011 6:22 pm
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Gum shields

As the cost of dental work is quite expensive these days, one option could be to invest
in a gum shield such as this. ... 4aa8c7e614

1 in a plastic case

Ideal for Martial Arts , Boxers, Rugby players, Hockey or those needing to protect the teeth/mouth area.
This gum shield moulds when submerged in boiling water

- place in just boiled water for a few seconds then insert in mouth and bite down give a custom fit.

Size: Adult orange,clear,green,blue,black and yellow,

and junior orange,clear,green,blue,black and yellow available

(please specify colour and senior or junior when ordering)

Why hot buy a white one and black out a few teeth with a permanent marker :whistle:

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 11/03/2011 2:05 pm
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Tiny now knows he will not be wearing hobnail boots for this site after falling over twice while only walking in these tunnels.

Ammunition & Pyro
We will have a stock of 50 pull cord stick grenades on the day priced at £3.50 each wich is cost price no profit.
ODDBALL :good:

We will have other pyro and BBs/Gas available on the day for sale

pyro prices for Mk5, thermo and tennis balls are 5 for £15
Gas is £15 a can
3,000 0.2g Blaster is £9 per bottle
3,000 0.25g Blaster is £11 per bottle
70p for cans and chocolate bars etc

Felix F&O

Food & Drink
Also food will be available as far as we know up to this point, but please bring food and water with you there will not be a lunch break in this game so any sustenance will be carried with you in game or left at a CP.

The tunnels are haunted apparently buy a Polish Ghost who was a Nazi sympathiser, he was a prisoner who was working on the tunnel digging.
Apparently he likes red lights so torches with a red tint to them would be nice if you want some attention from him. :twisted:

A map will also be provided on the day and I would advise you all to bring a pen with you to mark out key points on the map as you find them :idea:

Over night camping
We have now been informed camping on site from Saturday night will be an option. You can either sleep in the complex, tent up in the woods or sleep in your car.
We will be parking in the larger car park to the rear of the site where vehicles can be driven into the complex. There is a woodland game going on above on the same day so the front car park will be used by them.

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 09/05/2011 9:13 am
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We need you on site for 9AM to get signed in etc, we will be looking at about 4.30 for the end.

The Drakelow Tunnels are a former underground military complex beneath the Kingsford Country Park near the village of Kinver, Staffordshire, which cover 250,000 sq ft (23,000 m2). The tunnels have a total length of 3.5 mi (5.6 km) to 4 mi (6.4 km).

Drakelow tunnels,
Kingsford Country Park,
near Kinver,
DY11 5SA

For a location of the second entrance look here we will be using this car park for our tanks and cars as the other car park is to be used for a top side Nam game on the same day. ... 5,0.005493

You will see 2 possible entrances to be used on the day I suspect it will be the one down Sladd lane.

Sorry about spelling of SLAD or SLADD as it should be. :giggle:

We should have some signage made for the day as well just a few more jobs for me :D

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 24/06/2011 11:48 pm
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Rules for Anarchy under the Eagle

1 DonÒ€™t be an idiot
2 No blind firing
3 Eye protection must be worn outside of the safe zones.
4 600 rnd ammunition limit per life (MGÒ€™s 1200 + 600 shared from a designated assistant with his own sidearm).
5 MGÒ€™s to be used from prone or supported position.
6 Pyrotechnics Rules

Pyrotechnics Rules
IMPORTANT: Mk5 pyrotechnics or under sold by First & Only Airsoft or made by TLSFx will be allowed on site. BFGÒ€™s are allowed but only with 9mm Blanks or caps. No smokes!!! A grenade or thunderflash going off in a room means instant kill to all occupants unless behind hard cover (concrete wall, barrier etc). In larger and open areas, a grenade will instant kill every player within 15ft radius unless behind hard cover (concrete wall, barrier etc).

Pyro will be available to purchase on the day from F&O.

7 If you have a knife then you can knife kill but no need to draw the knife especially if it is steel, just tap the person and say Ò€œknife killÒ€.
8 Bang kills are allowed but only if shooting the person so close could cause harm, just say "BANG".
9 At close range try and shoot low on the body.
10 If part of the site looks like it could be dangerous to walk in, climb on, lean on or will get damaged if you fire at it or climb (lights etc) then it is up to you not to do so. See rule No 1. Some areas will be taped off for your and the sites protection.
11 If you see someone doing something wrong report them to a team leader, Oddball, Alex, Tiny or Porta etc.
12 If you are shot while carrying gold place the gold on the floor in the position you were killed, do not take it with you to a regen point or carry it over to a teammate. The gold will lie in play to be captured by anyone and should be left in clear sight.
13 All captured gold is to be taken to one of 3 gold stores for each respective team not held in some remote hiding location.
14 All people should carry a flashlight of WW2 period power and a blue glow stick (provided) to signify they have been shot.
15 (Do a Deal Deal :whistle: ) Any alliances made with other teams need to be made as a team. People cannot decide indiscriminately that they wish to change sides.
16 Do not use any of the un-plumed toilet facilities on site.
17 Medic rule
Anyone on your team can medic you after you are hit once, a bandage that you carry will be tied onto your arm. The second time you are hit you go back to the regen point. You can also choose to bleed out as soon as you wish after the first hit and go back to the regen point.

If anyone has any concerns or questions about the event please PM me or one of the team leads.
German = Tiny, Russian = Porta, US= Spiers or myself Oddball.

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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 15/07/2011 7:26 am
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Not much point in me harping on about what guns to bring most of you have a reasonable idea what are WW2 guns and which side they best suit. 4+ years on and nobody has turned up with an MP5 so I don't see it happening now. Ok not to tempt fait NO MODERN GUNS with laser sights and rails please.

The site is normally a semi-auto only site these days but fortunately I have booked it and full auto is fine. :happydance:

All guns should be under 350 fps and may well be checked on the day so you have been warned if one is deemed unsafe you will not be able to use it or you have the option to spend an hour in your car with a set of screw drivers.

Remember this a mainly a CQB site even though some of the tunnels are quite long, Remember rule No1 DONÒ€™T BE AN IDIOT no blind firing or shooting into someoneÒ€™s ear etc.

Bolt action rifles may be used but great care and common sense should be used do not fire on people at close range in a way that will cause injury, as pointed out by my Russian ally Porta

tanaka kar 98s running on 134 only was used last time with no problems


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Free speech is expensive these days!

Posted : 15/07/2011 7:50 am