OK, my most memorable moment had to be getting separated from the German team in the morning. I followed the sound of alot of voices at the end of a very dark tunnel and stood in the dark with this group for approx ten minutes trying to gauge who the f@#k I was with ? I waited until the group passed me then I put my hand on the bloke right next to me, he deffinately was not in a German uniform so I wispered to him "you have just been knife killed" , I then turned round and emptied a mag into the back of the rest of the group before legging it back down the tunnel, priceless
I learned this was a group of Yanks, as they sent a 4 patrol to cut me off. 1 against 4, I lost but took one with me before I gloriously died for mein fuhrer
yeah you shot me! In the head!
My favourite moments were:
Being the first Yank to try and push through the tunnel and into the German line and being shot.
The big push with the Tank and the Jeep to secure the gold from the germans.
Spying on the german and russian "talks"
Going out on the "lost" patrol with a couple of other chaps (didnt catch there names sorry) until to discover the whole russian team, so i acted as bait and ran down a corridor for some to give chase and get shot in the back!
Before the break when we took all the gold into the jeep and tried to make a break for it but was caught off by the AT gun.
And probably the most intense 5 minutes of my life is when we set out from the American regen quite late in the game on a 2 man patrol. We walked passed the tank and then as i looked i swear I saw movement. I tired to alert the man on point but because of the ear plugs and me trying to keep quiet, he moved on down the tunnel in to darkness. Which left me and the man in the tank. I snuck behind the adjacent corridor removed my helmet and droped my Thompson and took out my 1911. I then went prone crawling towards the front of the tank when a russian Cap came into view (porta!) so i layed prone infront of the tank for a few minutes hoping he hadnt seen me, and also hoping he didnt start the tank and move forward! After a couple of minutes he then started to move the turret 90 degrees left and then another 90 degrees (so it was facing the american respawn) I took this chance as he was facing the other way so jumped on to the tank and as i was about to peer over and ull the trigger when i got 6 Blanks to the face! Which almost made me fly straight off the tank!
Worst moment of the day was Porta and his damm Megaphone making me think i was deep in Russian lines so i nailed the next person(s) i saw and they were 2 of my own team mates even though they looked right at me and didnt raise there weapons! Sorry guys!
I think many of the best points of the day involved Porta in some way like when he was wounded on the floor and as the US passed by he said "I commit suicide and detonated a grenade"
Free speech is expensive these days!
For me, it had to be getting lost, ending up in a doorway when myself and a German facing me both realised we were the enemy, another German walked in front of me so I held the back of his tunic put a gun to his back and retired far enough to "Bang Kill" and leg it only to be mown down in nano seconds from all sides.... The emotional turmoil from "shit oh shit oh shit" to "ARGH!", through "I hope this works" to "Yay!", to "Aw Crap!!!" in less than a minute, felt like 3/4 of an hour...
Thanks to all involved
For me, it had to be getting lost, ending up in a doorway when myself and a German facing me both realised we were the enemy, another German walked in front of me so I held the back of his tunic put a gun to his back and retired far enough to "Bang Kill" and leg it only to be mown down in nano seconds from all sides.... The emotional turmoil from "shit oh shit oh shit" to "ARGH!", through "I hope this works" to "Yay!", to "Aw Crap!!!" in less than a minute, felt like 3/4 of an hour...
Thanks to all involved
Oh forgot to metnion in one of my posts, thanks for the borrowing of the mags! Felt like such a numpty bringing 2 spare "20 rounders" for other people to use and then leave mine sitting on the sofa at home.
I then turned round and emptied a mag into the back of the rest of the group before legging it back down the tunnel.
yeah you shot me! In the head!
Towards the end, defending the German gold store.
We had seen, and shot a few Americans but they kept coming back, each time with more grenades it seemed.
At one point there was Oddball with a Garand armed comrade. I'd been shooting down the corridor at Americans and the Garand guy joined in.
I swung my muzzle round and fired one shot, the Garand guy just stared at me, so I shot him again, one round. This just intensified his stare. So I shot him again. Nothing. And again a bb goes out. He then asks me what I'm doing. I told him the game was for the Germans to shoot the Americans and vise versa so I shot him again and also shot Oddball who had been stood there the whole time doing nothing.
Did you think I was American?
I also had good luck following dead men with the cylume sticks in the darkest corridors. I only did it the once but it got good results. It felt kind of wrong.
They would talk to their buddies, who might shine a light on them. Perfect. Like the interdictors following the bomber stream home.
I was following 4 glowing sticks at one point when another American came out a side tunnel so I shot him up and went away. I felt like I was too deep into the badlands.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
Towards the end, defending the German gold store.
We had seen, and shot a few Americans but they kept coming back, each time with more grenades it seemed.
At one point there was Oddball with a Garand armed comrade. I'd been shooting down the corridor at Americans and the Garand guy joined in.
I swung my muzzle round and fired one shot, the Garand guy just stared at me, so I shot him again, one round. This just intensified his stare. So I shot him again. Nothing. And again a bb goes out. He then asks me what I'm doing. I told him the game was for the Germans to shoot the Americans and vise versa so I shot him again and also shot Oddball who had been stood there the whole time doing nothing.
Did you think I was American?
I only got close to the German gold store the once and was throw out of step because a door was laying across an entrance on the way to it so I was still one corridor away from the store.
I leaned around the corner and shot one German that didn't expect me to be behind him, I looked round once first then the second time I leaned round he got a blast from my Tommy, I then got shot from behind the sideways door dark room I could not see into.
The guy with me was also shot.
I know it wasn't the gold store the shot came from as there was no sign that I had put up at 5am and the doorway was too wide.
I never got closer to the gold store than that.
However if the sign had been removed to hide the location then that may have been the confusion as to why I could not work out where we where. As for the guy with me I don't know who he was shouting to you were in the dark if it was you.
But hey man it was a draw we both win!
Only the Russians lost but what do Communists want with wealth Stalin would just get it off them in the end.
Free speech is expensive these days!
I also had good luck following dead men with the cylume sticks in the darkest corridors. I only did it the once but it got good results. It felt kind of wrong.
They would talk to their buddies, who might shine a light on them. Perfect. Like the interdictors following the bomber stream home.
I was following 4 glowing sticks at one point when another American came out a side tunnel so I shot him up and went away. I felt like I was too deep into the badlands.
You followed dead players back to their regen and then shot people up coming out of it?
Memorable moment 1, Getting to act gunner on the tank
Memorabke moment 2, Portas Special Assigment, that was an awesome hiding spot just a shame we had to leave before the yanks showed up.
WW2 Weapons AGM Sten, AGM MP40
I also had good luck following dead men with the cylume sticks in the darkest corridors. I only did it the once but it got good results. It felt kind of wrong.
They would talk to their buddies, who might shine a light on them. Perfect. Like the interdictors following the bomber stream home.
I was following 4 glowing sticks at one point when another American came out a side tunnel so I shot him up and went away. I felt like I was too deep into the badlands.You followed dead players back to their regen and then shot people up coming out of it?
I think he means people in the tunnels just walking over to talk to them and the dead players shining lamps on the other Americans who were hiding. So the dead US illuminated their mates as the walked back to regen.
Sneaky Basxxxd.
Free speech is expensive these days!
Memorable moment 1, Getting to act gunner on the tank
Memorabke moment 2, Portas Special Assigment, that was an awesome hiding spot just a shame we had to leave before the yanks showed up.
Yes a shame I didn't get to brief you to kick me in the head etc
Also didn't have time to mount the coaxial M4 in the turret so you had to fire your sten over the top.
I bet Porta put you in the vent plant very Enemy at the Gate
I have been in there as well a top sniper spot.
Free speech is expensive these days!
followed dead players back to their regen and then shot people up coming out of it?
No, not even remotely close to the American regen, this was in the top corridor that held the German regen and morning start point around the top of corridors 2 and 3. Very close to where the loudspeakers were.
Unless they moved their regen there after lunch?
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
Hey guys less of those NEGATIVE WAVES
Free speech is expensive these days!
Only the Russians lost but what do Communists want with wealth Stalin would just get it off them in the end
Bah, you get some gold, we get the whole of Eastern Europe. Capitalists, always the short term goals.
Anyway, as I mentioned on the highlights thread, fave bits were:
i) making human wave attacks
ii) sneaky shadows ambushing, although I seem very poor at the 'relocating' bit
iii) capturing the tank, woo hoo. I can see why tank crews aren't issue entrenching tools though.
iv) the mighty 'artillery offensive' as Porta and me pushed the cannon around three sides of the entire site. Brilliant.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
yeah you shot me! In the head!
Worst moment of the day was Porta and his damm Megaphone making me think i was deep in Russian lines so i nailed the next person(s) i saw and they were 2 of my own team mates even though they looked right at me and didnt raise there weapons! Sorry guys!
lool if that was just before the end , it was no problem lol was funny just stood there thinking he can see i am yank lol then bam still was not the first blue on blue i had got killed by usa jeep twice and maybe some more i dont know about loool all the fun of playing in the dark
Funny moments
the charge at the begining trying to move our gear up and fight at same time lol
watching a team mate (dick pyro) drop a flash bang right onto another team mate lol
been dead chuffed at landing a pyro on a german group only to see they had done the same to me at the same time and was so chuffed at mine did not get time to run away lol
me bashing my knee on a big metal bracket in a small toliet block or something only for dick pyro to turn around and say whats that and do the same thing , painful but damm funny
the crazy russian Porta ? who was chasing us around at the end and then falling under a hail of fire and a kick or 2 then rinse and repeat lol probably used more ammo on him than any part of the day
been ganked by a russian ambush as we were carting a load of gold back thinking we were home safe thankfully they only got half of us and a grenade sorted the pesky 4 russians out , but damm good ambush
spending 40 mins working way through to german base looking for some missing team m8s just as we enganged the germans told it was dinner
watching porta get knife killed then shooting german in the back for his troubles
comign around a corner and seeing a german both of us paused for about 10 secs trying to work out if were enemy then he decided first and i was dead lol after that was shoot first ask questiosn later
seeing a red tracer round land a foot away from me some 1 shouted grenade so i thought was flashbang so ran like crazy lol
nearly geting stuck in a very small hole we were crawling through to get to german base and nearly geting wedged in (blaming musset pack not my fat)
ahhh good times cracking day sure there was so many more moments....
Yes a shame I didn't get to brief you to kick me in the head etc
I did? sorry about that mate i didnt notice i was conscily trying to avoid it, im guessing it was on getting out?
I bet Porta put you in the vent plant very Enemy at the Gate
I have been in there as well a top sniper spot.
Im guessing porta wont mind me saying now, basicly yeah it was good, i think theres some footage of us entering it so it can look good in the video
WW2 Weapons AGM Sten, AGM MP40
No you didn’t kick me but in WW2 and even still in modern days a kick or poke with a stick is the backup coms for the tank commander YOU to tell the driver what to do. If we had been able to practice the run the night before just once we would have dot it near perfect.
See here http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=13624
I have the video so I know what was going on with the vent plant.
Free speech is expensive these days!
1) I too found the sink bracket in the bog - so 3-0 to the bracket!
2) Stalking a tunnel (light discipline is essential in them) in the complete darkness and seeing a Yank coming towards me with the occasional blip of his torch to light his way.... As he passed me (I was against the wall he was in the centre) He got a 3-4 round burst across his lower legs and the instruction not to turn his torch on!!!!! I melted down a side tunnel.
3) Patrolling with Wiggins and turning round to see him being silently dragged away by a Septic (well done that man) and my instincts kicking in immediately - I lit up both Wiggins and his assailant....... I'm sorry - it's the training you see....
4) The room in front of the gold store - (with the door laid across the entrance) and all the hilarity of that......
LOOK! I ham now four meggle man!
4) The room in front of the gold store - (with the door laid across the entrance) and all the hilarity of that......
Ah so I was right the door was accross the room before the gold store
Free speech is expensive these days!