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[Sticky] Recruiting time Anarchy under the Eagle

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Posts: 3770
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Well it's time to dust of those 35th infantry uniforms if you have one if not mixed US units is fine we will even accept the grave diggers unit :good:
35th Inf

Well it's recruiting time so all volunteers prepared to get rich take one-step forward.
Well ok just type on this thread and tell me what units you want to be in.

I have dreamt this idea up No scratch that this is totally a historic event and really did happen honest guv.
However due to history being written by the victors (yes I have a mate called Victor and he told me this is true) this was all kept hush hush after the war and the relevant people all got good backhanders 8)

Oh sorry back on topic well who is coming, please try and knock me down in the rush I won't mind this time :D

So the idea at the moment is that we want:-

I am now taking payment for this event if you wish to send me a cheque please PM me for details.
Or you can now start to send me £40 by Paypal to
As I acknowledge payment I will change your listing name to red to signify payment.
Please gift all payments made by paypal if you are not sure how to do this PM me :D
Also please give me your name/ names and as a thought maybe use the numbers listed with your name below eg German 1 Tiny.
Payments are none refundable as normal but can be exchanged with others.

Germans.................................Russians ........................... US mixed units
1. Tiny..................................1. Porta ...............................1.Oddball...........................
2. Dumas9999......................... 2.Pete_59.............................2.Spiers......(Kelly :D )...............
3.prideofengland.......................3.MartinR..............................3.Nick Frost...........................
4.Andy Walsh ..........................4.bigkie ...............................4.armourerdoug...................
5.AchtungNate +1......................5.1eye..................................5.cuff -Mark Tolley...............
6.Toska.................................6.Steve Hemmings...................6.Andy Tolley......................
7.Aster..................................7..........................................7.Chris Jason Wray................
8.Tom Reader..........................8.Chris Johnson.......................8.Diamond (Richard Southall-Brown)...
9.Phil davies............................9Callum Rhodes ......................9.Justin Parker Brit kit............
10.evil wiggins .......................10.Rooster ...........................10.James Parker....................
11.Poacher.............................11.Will Flood mate of Rooster......11.Neil Carter aka snippy..........
12.rifleman6925.......................12.Barrie and Anne..................12.zedsdead ........................
13.Ged.................................13.sandy ..............................13.Aitch.............................
15.marsha.............................15.......................................15.James Hubble...........
16.richardschulze1944................16.......................................16.Simon Morton................
17.Russell Rhodes ....................17........................................17.TomIOW.....................

You may wonder why the sides are balanced in such a way and we have given some thought to this (well at least 10 seconds) and there are reasons for this that will show up on the day. What I will say is that at certain times maybe even most of the day the Germans will be the strongest. 8)

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Posted : 08/03/2011 7:22 pm