Hope you don`t mind but I knocked up a ribbon for the the valiant participants in the defence of the fatherland or the freedom of Europe whichever side of the fence you sit
Instructions on how to mount the medal for our newer members
Superb! Thanks.
Current Arsenal: ICS Grease Gun, ICS M1 Garand, MP40, Viva Arms Sten Mk2.
Thanks, Gordon!
cheers Gordan
"How f***ed are we now, on Guadalcanal?"
Thanks Gordon
Cheers mate.
Cheers Gordon
Thanks Gordon
"Freedom is the only thing worth living for. While I was doing that work, I used to think it didn't matter if I died, because without freedom there was no point in living" - Nancy Wake
yeah cheers mate , and thanks for telling me how to put it on
Excellent work, thanks
Thank you ,my first ribbon
cheers mate but how exactly do i get it so to speak im crap with tech
Instructions here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=5261&p=233738#p233738
Top man chommers didn`t have time to look for these so just PM all of the individuals concerned
Cheers, have my first medal. Now, if you don't mind, gonna go sink another few hundred £ into airsofting. Who introduced me to this hobby...