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We're currently organising a CBI theatre game, set for Saturday the 14th of August at Cool Under Fire at Doddington in North Kent. The site is very friendly, and regularly runs WW2 skirmishes. The site staff are assisting in the planning and operation of this game.
In 1944, the Imperial Japanese Army reached its furthest north, attacking British forces in north eastern India. The British withdrew from untenable positions further south in the Burmese Jungle to the Imphal plains, where their superior armour, air support and firepower could inflict the most damage on the advancing Japanese forces.
Despite encirclement by the Japanese, the British forces held fast and repelled the Japanese in the largest defeat of the IJA in the war.
The Chindit operations, conducted in 1943 through 44, were long range penetration raids into Japanese held territory to the south, deigned to disrupt and destroy as many Japanese assets as possible.
The day will consist of several day games, followed by a long dinner and a few night games.
The games will be themed along the pivotal battles for Imphal and Kohima, and also the Chindit operations further south.
Players should aim to arrive between 11 and 12, to start playing at 12.30 pm.
Gaming should end between 10 and 12 pm at night.
Prices are:
Allied forces: £30.00
Axis forces: £25.00
Dinner and overnight camping are included. The site has full toilet and fresh water facilities. Camping can be in tents, or the large hangar used as the safe zone.
The day is completely non-profit, and the money will go on food, pyrotechnics and site rental.
Airsoft mortars will be in use on both sides, and will be operated by players (included in price).
We are not asking for a deposit, although if players who are coming could please contact me by email or PM, that would be great as I need to keep track of who's coming for the purpose of food and balacing sides.
We will not let this degenerate into 20 allied players blasting 3 Japanese players all day long. A slight imbalance will be allowed, but we'll be using special rules to try and compensate as much as possible.
Imperial Japanese Army
Azad Hind (Indian national army)
Royal Thai army
Burma national army

British Indian Army
Merrill's Marauders (not directly involved in the battle, but welcome anyway)

Uniforms and weapons must conform to "filmsim" standards. We are well aware that few people have Pacific theatre uniforms, especially Japanese. We've made the Axis price slightly lower as a result. Therefore, we're very lax about weapons and uniforms. In-depth "counts as" guides will be published shortly.
We're also planning to have some stand-in Japanese uniforms available for rental, all you'll need to bring will be a pair of trousers, a leather belt and a weapon. Please let me know if you're coming and wish to rent a uniform.
Authentic and replica uniforms from both sides are, of course, more than welcome.

Weapons wise, the Japanese made extensive use of captured weapons. Japanese players are therefore welcome to use captured thompsons, Garands etc.

German weapons, except for bolt action rifles, are strongly discouraged, as very few of them were used in the East.

Modern weapons are not allowed except in specific cases. Please contact me if you need to bring a modern or German weapon.

Ammunition will not be restricted, except in certain games, however only a set number of people per side (designated submachine and machine gunners) will be allowed to fire fully automatic. Machine guns can only fire fully automatically when deployed on a bipod, but submachine gunners may fire as they like. Hi-caps are strongly discouraged.

We'd also like to see plenty of people with bolt action rifles, especially on the Japanese side for sniping.

We strongly encourage players to come and play on the Japanese side; there are a lot of myths surrounding the Imperial Japanese Army and its equipment, many of which are not true, and this is a fine chance to play something very different to the usual Germans or Americans.

The allies, however, will not be neglected, and likewise we'll do our best to capture the feel of fighting a unique and alien enemy.

As far as i'm aware, a CBI game hasn't yet been attempted before in this country. It's an ambitous game, and we'll do everything possible to capture the look and feel of fighting in the far east, and make the game as enjoyable as possible.

Posted : 28/06/2010 7:42 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

14th August, which is the week after The Battle for Dukla Pass game... :slap:

Seriously folks, if you want a decent number of players to attend your events, try not to organise them to clash with other events on the calendar:


Posted : 29/06/2010 9:34 am
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The first thing I did was check, it's just that it's the only weekend we can do it on - we have quite a tight weather window for CBI skirmishes, as the site is lush, green and overgrown from July throught to mid August, but dies back very quickly in the last few weeks.
Also, for most of the weekends in August and July, the people helping me organise this are away on re-enacting events - it's just not possible to move it.

Posted : 29/06/2010 10:08 am
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

Especially to clash with an event run by two of the other guys with Jap kit! :(

Sorry... I can't attend... August and long distance travel is out of the question what with a little one pending!

Good luck with the event.

Posted : 29/06/2010 10:29 am
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Sorry to hear you can't make it - i'd say the reason is just about fair enough though!. I assume the other person with Japanese kit is Gadge? We hopefully shouldn't have a massive problem with Japanese kit, we've figured out a cheap, effective substitute and we'll be buying 4-5 sets for cheap rental at the game.
That should be between £4.00-£10.00 per rented set. We'll keep it as low as we can.
Are you and the Far Setting Sun down at war and peace this year?
Good luck with the little one!

Posted : 29/06/2010 12:08 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

No, it's Wladek who's got the Japanese stuff.

Rental equipment will help!

No, neither me nor the Far Setting Sun will be at W&P this year. Look out for them at Military Odyssey (Detling) though. It's not far from you. I think there's a combined display with the Japs planned. I won't be there though because of impending small people!

I've posted links to this thread on TFSS and JRA forums.

Posted : 29/06/2010 12:28 pm
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Good stuff, we'll be glad to have you there. :good:
I'll add the bits about the KD kit in to the kit guides when I write them.

Posted : 29/06/2010 2:50 pm
Hänschen klein
Posts: 3604
Famed Member

Sounds great scenario,location great,and fee with camping ecellent,but our gang is all German and once starting to rent kit and borrow weapons (All German) it would be a little too much.

Bring on a German Allies game and we will all be there
Good luck

Posted : 29/06/2010 3:01 pm
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If they're all people have (german weapons), then we'll allow them. The thing we're really keen to avoid is Mp-44's, so you're welcome to use Mp-40's, Kar-98k's, Mg-42's etc if they're all you've got. If you could scrim them up, they shouldn't look too out of place.
As for kit, the rental for the uniforms (shirt and headgear) should be below £5.00, so you won't end up paying more than the allies if you do rent. We just need to know who's coming so we can sort enough stuff out!

Posted : 29/06/2010 3:36 pm
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Forgot to mention, you can contact me directly at:

Posted : 30/06/2010 7:48 am
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Cheers, will do.
I'll write the very basic guide (for those who only have modern kit) But if you've got a few photos of propper Chindit kit, that would be great. Just stick them here.
Kind regards,

Posted : 01/07/2010 9:48 am
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Awesome stuff, thankyou very much!
I met the Japanese guy a few years ago at Military Oddyssey - great bloke, and very helpful.
Here's the cheaper (Cheat as Chindits, to misquote David Dickinson) kit guide for those who can't get the kit above:

Olive Green GS shirt
OG Lightweight trousers
Slouch hat - try ebay for these "Bush Hat" or "Australian Hat" are handy searches. Essentially what you want is a khaki wide brimmed hat, pinned up on one side if required.
Pattern 37 webbing. (pattern 58 or 44 may be subsituted if required)
Mk II helmet

Weapons (Not comprehensive):
Sten gun
Any old style bolt action rifle
M1 garand
M1 carbine
Bren gun
old style pump-action shotguns.
Also any captured enemy weapons.
American weapons.

Scrimmed up german weapons (except Mp-44)
Heavily scrimmed modern SMG's

Modern assault rifles
anything covered in RIS rails
Modern Bullpup weapons
Optics and aiming devices, with the exception of sniper rifles.
I reccomend ebay and militaria shows as a source for this kit. War and peace is two weeks before hand, and i'll be there, so it'll be a great place to pick the relevant bits up at bargain prices.

Posted : 01/07/2010 12:31 pm
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Main Japanese section, including weapons and uniform guide:
Next, Japanese Tropical Uniform:

Shirt: Short sleeved pale green or tan shirt. Shirt sleeve order is fine too. Preferably no epaulettes.
Trousers: Any plain tan or pale green trousers, preferably minus side pockets.
Feet: Boots (preferably brown) or "Tabi" (split toed Japanese plimsolls). Normal black plimsolls acceptable as well. Puttees or gaiters over the footwear, preferably puttees
Headgear: Japanese field cap (any type allowed), Netted and camoed Mk. IV steel helmet, or Japanese headband (Hachimaki) with rising sun motif. Old bedsheets are good for these!
Webbing: Easiest option is a pattern 37 respirator case slung over one shoulder for spare magazines etc, and a pattern 37 canteen slung over the other shoulder. Use P37 webbing straps, or any tan webbing straps for this. This forms two "X"'s, one at the back and one at the front. Hold the assembly down with a brown leather or rubberised canvas belt.
Another option is just the brown leather belt with ammuniton pouches attached.
Accesories: Plastic or rubber Samurai swords and bayonets.
Rank Insignia: very important - shold be attached as collar tabs, or just one above the right pocket on the shirt. They are very easy to make- I made mine from some red felt and an old yellow duster. Everyone wore them, and altough tiny they have a large effect on getting the right "look" with Japanese kit:

Any Japanese weapons (WW2)
Captured enemy WW2 weapons
Plastic samurai swords!
Any old bolt action rifle
Any side feeding SMG

Scrimmed up German weapons
Scrimmed Modern SMG's (especially wood stocked UZI's and Mp5's)
Minimi - especially on tripod - good/useful stand in for type 92 HMG. Use with M16 magazines.

Modern assault rifles
anything covered in RIS rails
Modern Bullpup weapons
Optics and aiming devices, with the exception of sniper rifles and LMG's.
As you can see, Japanese kit is very flexible. Please PM if you have any questions.
Ebay is a good source, as is the War and Peace show. Ebay is especially good for the short sleeved shirts - the one shown above was a cheap khaki civilian shirt; the cut and colour are very close to the original IJA shirts.
A few useful links: ... K:MEWAX:IT ... K:MEWAX:IT

Posted : 01/07/2010 1:19 pm
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Cheers again, weapons lists updated.
Currently we have about:
4 Chindits
3 Japanese
give or take one or two from each side.

Posted : 02/07/2010 10:10 am
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I can see where you're coming from, but as it's the first time we've done this, and it's still very niche, I want to keep it as inclusive as possible - if I start limiting things like specific regiments, or stopping a handful of Americans turning up, I think I could inadvertently end up killing it. The more people enjoy it this time, the wider fan base we can hopefully get, then in future we can do more historically accurate games.
One of the original ideas was to allow U.S marines to come down, and run the night game as the Makin Island raid - we still might do it, it depends again on numbers, and whether or not that would scare off certain elements. It's been discounted now to avoid a thompson based blatfest, but if there's widepsread support we may bring it back in (with rules to avoid said blatfest of course).

Posted : 02/07/2010 3:35 pm
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I know the kit was vastly different - I don't expect people to bring two seperate uniforms, I was just considering allowing people with USMC kit to join in, as it's the first far eastern/Pacific game; same with Merill's Marauders really. We don't really have a choice with the Japanese kit either - i've got tropical kit, and I can't really get anything else, or provide specific kit for Burma. I thought the main difference was the tunic anyway? Simply that the tunic wasn't worn in the South Sea Islands?
As it is, we haven't had anyone with U.S kit book yet, so it's not really an issue at the moment. As haven't written the exact games yet, we can write in Mogaung and Myitkyina if we get a large group of Americans coming down.
Do you know how many people are coming down from your end, and which side they're on? I need rough numbers so I can sort out appropriate amounts of food, pyro etc and balance sides.

Posted : 02/07/2010 9:17 pm
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Cheers, will let the others know.

Posted : 03/07/2010 1:21 pm
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Japanese uniforms have arrived, I think we've got about four sets. I'll sort out pricing when I get back, but it won't be very much (<£5).
I'm going to be at sea until tuesday, so if you wish to book, drop me a pm or email but don't expect a reply until then.

Posted : 06/07/2010 9:13 pm