Well here it goes loads of time to get ready for this one but don't leave it too late.
As with Anarchy I will change the text to RED once payment is in.
The fee is £35 and will cover the event on Sunday and social and stay over from Saturday 02/06/12.
OK guys it is time to pay up
I know many have be waiting for this if you want to send a cheque PM me for the address.
Paypal me at nigelDOTkerr@btinternetDOTcom
The money should be gifted and some info about who you are and what side you are on, if paying for more than one person please state who.
Price is £35.
As usual payments are none refundable but you can transfer your space to others.
German.....................US unit........................French..........................British SOE/Para
1.Porta.....................1.Oddball......................1.Tiny...........................1.Steve McEllenbourgh.....
2.Chomley-Warner........2.Ste D........................2.james armitage.............2.Wraith666...........
3.Spiers...................3.Fred Jones..................3.atomic goldfish................
4.Rooster..................4.Jim Smith...................4.J Evans........................
5.prideofengland.........5.ww2stu.......................5.Michelle Dubois...............
6.MartinR.................6...............................6.Andy Walsh....................
8.rifleman6925+1.........8.Matthew.Onion..............8.John Mc Coy...............
9.Ged......................9.Mark Merrifield.(magmer)9.................................
10.OMI-GO-A-GO-G .....10..............................10................................
11.Russell R........ ......11..............................11................................
12.Callum R...............12.............................12................................
14.Alan ASH..............14..............................
15.Alistair Greenough .. Slots 6 to 14 re-opened
16.rifleman6925 ......... at TIME & DATE .27/11/11 at 7PM.
17.TOM ?.*Pride OE+1... US reserve slots..........
18.ripwind666............. 1..............................
19.Paul Holden........... 2.............................
20......................... 3.............................
Free speech is expensive these days!
Stick me down for the British/SOE
Stick me down for the British/SOE too please.
"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."
As for the French use your imagination a large Château would have a few gardeners pottering about but do say what you are thinking about on the FR thread so Tiny knows who is doing what.
Free speech is expensive these days!
The booking thread wasn't going to be opened until near December, but due to a massive amount of personal messages,and also because a few people booked in verbally, whilst i was playing at the gunman game last weekend, the booking thread had to be put up early .
(at the weekend social last week, some people even offered to pay cash for their place there and then, not that i could take it as all funds go to oddball so he can keep track of them)
the games been hugely popular so far, and i think Oddballs been writing down names as people contacted him, We didnt expect such a demand for players as the anarchy game booked up a LOT slower than this one has.
Theres not been any "secret stuff" just people who were very keen started contacting us the second the game was announced, before we had even considered writing a booking thread
sorry if anyone feels upset, Im sure Oddball will explain next time hes on.
also oddball ive got 4 verbal german bookings,(from the gunman weekend) ill pm you with details
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Vun more for ze Germans please
Put me down as a German too please.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Put me down for german please
Sent from my LG-P500 using Tapatalk
Put me down for German officer, it'll give me a chance to get the drinking trousers out.
I just wished to give a fair chance to all wanting to attend, I don't like insinuations of me running some form of clique so came up with a simple time to re-open the booking for the last 7 slots so all would have a fair chance.
I opened the booking sooner than was planned due to the number of requests coming in.
I decided if I was to honour all the PM requests that by December the whole lot may be booked up before opening the booking thread.
If I had anymore PM requests for the US side then I would have been telling some sorry all the places are gone and how would that look.
I am not going to request money yet I am quite happy to trust the majority of members on this forum that they will pay.
If you put yourself in my position you can see the points I have raised.
Many on here will feel it unfair if the majority of slots are gone before opening the booking, I think I would.
A final desision will be made on the US list in the next few days.
This booking thread is to be unlocked at 7pm on Sunday 27/11/11
Free speech is expensive these days!
Mornin' all.
From my recent experience of games where people put thier names down and did not turn up, I think it's really advisable to get payment first before giving them a place. I'd like to come as French, but I won't put myself down until I've given oddball the spends - it's only fair. First come first served seems a reasonable way forward, as i'm sue the organisers have enough on thier plate without huge complications in booking.
EDIT by Oddball
No longer able to make it due to Wedding
I'm a hero with coward's legs.
Booking now re-opened.
Free speech is expensive these days!
Will try to make this game Nigel, work pending of course, chat nearer the time, will bring jeep and or T25 if finished
Will try to make this game Nigel, work pending of course, chat nearer the time, will bring jeep and or T25 if finished
Doug I will add you to the US list now then as I presume that is what you would want.
Let me know if you can't go and I will change the list.
Free speech is expensive these days!
Can you put me and J Evans down for the french resistance please?
B Dennis
Free speech is expensive these days!
Put me down as german please
I can do
heer or SS infantry.
also officer black or garbadine so where you want me on the day
oooo errrrr
armoury. Sten lanchesteralike thompson m1a1 thompson 1928 Garand (m14 S&S) 1911 Browning HP Tanaka M10 stg 44 mp40 x 2 tanaka k98 MG42 (AK IN PLASTIC BODY) MG34 (ak in plastic body as well) Luger broom handle latex bayonet latex E-tool
Stick me down for the British/SOE too please.
Just found out, I've got to drop out.
Have good one guys.
"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."
sorry you cant make it JR
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Put me down as german please
I can do
heer or SS infantry.
also officer black or garbadine so where you want me on the day
oooo errrrr
whatever role you prefer mate, officers kit will not look out of place as the 1st half of the game starts in the officers mess.
welcome aboard
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Please PM oddball for details, these are special roles
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison