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[Sticky] Uniform Requirements

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We will be updating these for each nation to give you plenty of time.

General Rules
For this game there is no need to badge up as a certain unit, as you are playing within units that retained their original and distinct unit insignia.
All players should badge as a private, the only officers present are organisers who run the game.

Quoted back from Op Ariel in 2009, and still perfectly sums it up:

"This event will be tighter on kit levels than unusual as part of our progression to more 'believable' battles than somewhat relaxed events of past years. Out of respect for those members who are wearing authentic kit please take the time and trouble to look the part. The basic look is Feldgrau for Germans and BD for Brits. No camouflage is to be worn by either side. More details of this to come."

So, what do we require of the Heer Infantry at Copenhagen?

Firstly, and you will here this a lot, no camo. It is a Wool era, Field grey and khaki in colour.
No peaked caps, the M43 screams late war. The soft hat worn should be the side hat.
You Uniform should be German Field Grey. Stone Grey trousers are prefered, but Field Grey trousers are allowed. Likewise the M36 tunic is preferred, but we will allow later model tunics.
No Y-straps on your webbing, just the belt.
M35 Helmet. We do not mind if other pattern German helmets are used but no camo cover to be be used with them. The addition of decals is entirely up to you.
Jackboots, not low boots.

So that's it for the basics. Field Grey tunic and trousers, Helmet, Belt and Jackboots. However much further you would like to go to look the part you are actively encouraged to go, but it is up to yourself.

So, what do we require of the Gebirgsjäger at Copenhagen?

Firstly, and you will here this a lot, no camo. It is a Wool era, Field grey and khaki in colour.
You Uniform should be German Field Grey. Stone Grey trousers are prefered, but Field Grey trousers are allowed. Likewise the M36 tunic is preferred, but we will allow later model tunics. You should have an Edelweiss badge on your sleeve and Green waffenfarbe.
No Y-straps on your webbing, just the belt.
M35 Helmet or Bergmütze. We do not mind if other pattern German helmets are used, but no camo cover to be be used with them. The addition of decals is entirely up to you.
Lowboots and puttees.
A Windjacke may be worn, but no anorak or smock.

any mountaineer accouterments are a great edition.

So what do we require of the Fallscirmjager at Copenhagen?

The Fallschirmjäger early war look was the green smock. Splinter smocks were rare even in Crete (which is 41, so even later than our setting).
Pre-'41, no helmet covers or nets were seen. The best helmet camouflage was a smearing of mud! As with the Heer, the shield decal would probably be scratched off, leaving just the Luftwaffe eagle.
Boots would typically be the side-laced ones.
The bandolier was used instead of the K98 pouches (seen in later ground-based FJ units).
Black or brown leatherware is fine.
The gasmask pouch (not the tin) should be worn.

Firstly on boots, again do not worry for we are not demanding the side laced boots and later look-a-like BCH boots are fine. Likewise I know there is an early pattern green smock, and an early early pattern one (something to do with zips or pockets. I was paying attention, honest) but either will be fine for our purposes. The iconic look of the FJ is the green smock, and un-camo-ed-ness, that's the look we are shooting for.

So, what do we require of the Brits at Copenhagen?

Firstly, and you will here this a lot, no camo. It is a battledress and Khaki Drill era. No Berets and No GS caps, soft hats should be the FS cap.
As the game is set in southern France then a mix of Battledress, denims and KD is perfectly fine, as is shirtsleeves.
Webbing does not have to be Pea Green, any British webbing colour is fine, but Pea Green or unblancoed is preferred.
No "lightweight" gas mask bags. players should wear a MKV/MKVI or MKVII gas mask bag as seen in the picture or non at all.
MKII Helmets should be worn. Any helmet colour is fine, but the Brown coloured ones are preferred. Alternatively to re-painting your helmet a hessian cover can be used.
The standard British e-tool should not be worn. If an e-tool is worn it should be the 39 pattern e-tool.
Kilts and Tam o' Shanters are perfectly acceptable for their regiments.

So the only thing we ask players to add to a standard battledress impression is the gas mask bag if they wish. Although you can go as to-town as you would like. See the Kit guide for more information.

So, what do we require of the Poles at Copenhagen?

If you are going 'Polish' for these games then you are almost certainly doing so because you want the uniform. If you have an idea for a counts as version, then please discuss it with us.
The Polish forces wear the standard Wz.36 Uniform. Infantrymen wear long trousers and boots, Cavalrymen (no, you do not get a horse) wear breeches and 'jack boots'.
The hat is the 4 cornered cap (rogatywka) and/or either a Wz.31 Helmet for infantry or an Adrien Helmet for cavalry.
You should have at least a brown leather belt, and if you wish to have a breadbag then either a re-production one, or a Czech breadbag is perfectly fine.

So, what do we require of the French at Copenhagen?

Firstly any pukker French Kit from 1940 is absolutely fine, either origional or re-production. As there is not such thinkg as a 'late war' French impression which you can subtract from, There is only counts as, so this will be a messier guide than my normal twitchy like for clarity feels comfrotable with.

So, the easy bit. On you head you chould wear either An Adrien Helmet, or a Chasseurs Beret.
The above picture shows how to achieve a "Pantalons" look with Wool Trousers and Knee Leangth Puttees.
A shirt can be either gotten from Schipperfabrik as CHThree mentions later down the page, or else use either a British Officers Shirt, or a US Army Shirt.
Webbing should be Leather, and post war French webbing (1950s) is perfectly acceptable.
The best low boots are US roughouts, but other brown leather boots are fine.

If you wish you can wear the post war "Motorisees" Trousers and Capote as mentioned above. (although you would have been wearing something like the above underneath these you can forgo these as onlg as you keep 'buttoned up'.
If you wish to try and build on this, like with a suitable Khaki high collared tunic, a died WWI Tunic or something else then please feel free. But if you have the basics as mentioned above then you will be able field yourself as a Frenchman regardless of how the dylon turn out.

(note: if there are people in shirt sleeves and the day itself turns out to be inclement of weather we will be able to put somethign together with 'French style' greatcoats)

An Italian uniform - M37 or M40. See the Italian section for more info.

Posted : 22/01/2014 12:08 pm
Posts: 4320
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As an update I feel I should mention, unless peoples' decisions are influenced by other discussions:

Knives and Bayonets:

Any real knives and bayonets must remained holstered, unless being used for a non-combat reason. under no circumstances should you presume to extract someone elses and use it. Beyond over the top theatrical moves you should not be 'fighting' anyway. A simple thrust form a rifle, with or without a bayonet, in the close direction of an opponent is sufficient.

bayonets have been used to 'clear a path' through imaginary minefields, or even to cut an apple before. Feel free to do this, enjoy the experience and don't be a dick. We have never had a problem before and there is no reason we should have one now.

If you wish to 'mount' a bayonet on your rifle, or draw a dagger in anger, then this must be a larp-y plastic-y one.

Posted : 19/07/2014 7:02 pm