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[Sticky] Operation Freshman - UCAP Airsoft - 28th February 2010

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Operation Freshman

Most Secret


The Axis powers have embarked upon a programme of research culminating in an attempt to build an explosive device of unforeseen power.

Key components of this device are being manufactured at the Rjukan heavy water plant in Norway in the province of Telemark.

Your mission will be to covertly land in enemy territory and contact Norwegian SOE, from here you will be led to the plant to carry out your mission to destroy materiel and personnel with extreme prejudice.

Gentlemen I cannot stress the importance of this mission, should Hitler’s plan come to fruition a second front will be impossible and the fortunes of this war may well turn against us again.

To this end you have been assigned to a unit of Royal Engineers (airborne) and will receive specialist training to complete your objective.

Good luck and godspeed.

Lt.Col RA Wharf

Operation Freshman

In 1942 Germany embarked upon an atomic weapons project, a key component of which was ‘heavy water’ manufactured in a Telemark factory. Knowing this the allied decided to send in a demolition squad by glider (to be extricated via Neutral Sweden) to blow up key research items.

In reality the mission was a double tragic failure… one glider of engineers crashed over Europe killing the occupants, the other glider's team were soon captured and later executed by the Germans under Hitlers infamous ‘commando order’.

In our mission however, the latest event by PBI, we will attempt to recreate what may have a happened had one or more of the teams reached the plant intact.

Once again this is a PBI ‘Comabt Missions’ event in which the operation will be played out as a series of 30 – 60 minutes ‘engagements’ throughout the day with the results of one battle directly affecting the next.

So choose your side.

Are you a loyal servant or solider of the Reich, desperately tying to refine this new ‘Wonder Weapon’ that will smash the Soviet hoardes in the East.. or a plucky Royal Engineer on a one way trip to smash the Nazi war machine?

Our adventure is set within the Rjukan plant at the point in which the Norwegian SOE guides lead the teams to too side entrances and once again we’ll be visiting the fabulously atmospheric UCAP airsoft site in Portsmouth. These genuine 1940s tunnels are ideal for a mission such as this. Due to the stealthy nature of the game places are both very limited and of set types.

When sending in your monies (paid in full please) please state which nationality you wish to play for and which role. Please note we can only refund a place if you can find another player willing to take yours, likewise for switching sides.

Note that combat roles are priced slightly higher than civilian or engineer roles as we expect civilians, scientists and engineers to act out certain scripted duties and such will have less free will than a raider or guard.

You might for example in one ‘combat mission’ be tasked with the job of operating a machine and not free to wander the site etc.

And for those of you that have been a few times before… we have some surprises planned – this time could be a little different!

So the details:

Operation Freshman – 28th February 2010

Location: UCAP Airsoft Portsmouth

Date: Arrive Saturday 27th Feb no earlier than 6pm or Sunday 28th feb no later than 8.30am.

Places & Prices:

1 Norwegian SOE agent - £35
14 Royal Engineers - £35 per place
14 German Guards (SS/Heer) - £35 per place
8 Civilian Staff (unarmed and scripted) - £15
4 German Engineers - (armed and partially scripted) - £25
4 Scientists- (lightly armed and partially scripted) - £25

Payment in full via paypal to (cheque payments considered via PM application)

Please note UCAP has a maximum FPS of 330FPS with a .20g BB.

Weapons and Kit:

Norwegian SOE: Civilian attire or allied BD/Dennison/Windproof suit etc
Royal Engineers: BD, Denison, Airborne beret or helmet, 37 pattern webbing as per PBI ‘South Stafford’s’ kit list but with substitution of RE capbadge.

German Guard: Feldgrau (no camo) Heer/SS uniform M36 or later (no M44 please). Jackboots or low boots, optional greatcoats, steel helmets. (no SS camo, or FJ uniforms please). Belt order light webbing… no a frames or big packs etc.

Civilian staff: 40s Civilian clothes and white overalls (paper ‘decorators’ type acceptable)

German Engineers: Green/Grey overalls

Scientists: suit, shirt and tie and labcoat.

Only proper WWII weapons for this one please.

Acceptable: MP40, Sten, Thompson, No4 (at FPS limits), SMLE (at FPS Limits) K98 (d-boys or custom springer only please at given FPS limits).

Any suitably 1940s looking pistol is acceptable as are soft rubber training type knives and bayonets

Lastly for those wishing to attend and or help us spread news of the event here is a banner:


"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."

Posted : 28/08/2009 10:37 am
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Definitely up for this one - not sure which side yet. :wink:

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 28/08/2009 11:56 am
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

as i would love to come to this but i would need to equip a driver in german gear as well , so a couple of quick questions before i try and hunt some cash down :)

would a cap be ok as it says helmets or do i need a 2nd helmet ?

webbing as it light webbing would i get away with a set of the dak webbing that i intend to buy for the africa game or a little 2 early in the war lol (or just try to borrow some )

also is ok if 1 heer and 1 ss ? as seems silly me buying to sets of fieldgrau the same (damm why did i buy lots of camo lol)



Posted : 28/10/2009 5:04 pm
Posts: 865
Prominent Member

I have a spare SS helmet I can bring with me if you want to borrow it ,size 58.
For that matter I have a full set of SS feldgrau size 40 chest and 32-34 waist and a full (and I do mean full) set of straps and equipment your are welcome to borrow.

Posted : 28/10/2009 6:23 pm
Posts: 2682
Famed Member

I have a spare Heer M40 uniform I'm happy to lend out. 42 chest, 36 waist. Size 9 1/2 jackboots (non hobnailed) if needed as well. Webbing too. The ony things lacking is a helmet as I've just painted my M35 in DAK colours and a belt as I'll be wearing mine.

I think the helmet thing is more advisory- to avoid smacking your head on the low ceiling. As an engineer I'll be wearing a cap.

Posted : 28/10/2009 7:33 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

as i would love to come to this but i would need to equip a driver in german gear as well , so a couple of quick questions before i try and hunt some cash down :)

would a cap be ok as it says helmets or do i need a 2nd helmet ?

webbing as it light webbing would i get away with a set of the dak webbing that i intend to buy for the africa game or a little 2 early in the war lol (or just try to borrow some )

also is ok if 1 heer and 1 ss ? as seems silly me buying to sets of fieldgrau the same (damm why did i buy lots of camo lol)



hi Chris,

recommendation is exactly that, just a recommendation as there are some low beams and a cap will provide no protection agains. I've got a spare SS lid if your driver's about a 58-59cm cap size?

again, with webbing, dak will be fine in the dark, or i've got a spare set.

And yes, Heer or SS in feldgrau is fine!

Hope to see you there! I'll be the Heer officer in charge of the plant, and probably swearing as i'm wearing an officer's cap and likely to bang my head!

Posted : 28/10/2009 7:36 pm
Posts: 2682
Famed Member

I'm going to try and avoid running much as I'll only be wearing an M34 cap. Your officers cap will be like a crash helmet compared to that. :lol:

Posted : 28/10/2009 7:45 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

I'm going to try and avoid running much as I'll only be wearing an M34 cap. Your officers cap will be like a crash helmet compared to that. :lol:

A quite expensive crash helmet that i really don't want to squash! :lol: Hopefully i'll be ordering others to do the running!

Posted : 28/10/2009 7:51 pm
Posts: 2682
Famed Member

As an engineer I expect to spend my time drinking coffee, hitting machinery with my wrench and tutting. I'll leave the running about to the guards.

Posted : 28/10/2009 8:07 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

If you're under about 5ft 9ins then you shouldn't have that much trouble with the ceilings...

Posted : 28/10/2009 8:14 pm
Posts: 2682
Famed Member

I don't know, I still managed to bang my head when I was kneeling at Die Glocke. Mind you I did run into a wall. :lol:

Posted : 28/10/2009 8:22 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Hi Reg, :wink: as it says in the first post

"Payment in full via paypal to (cheque payments considered via PM application)

There are currently 8 German places left. (No room for your motorcycles in the tunnels, unfortunately!)

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 31/10/2009 10:00 am
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

I also have a medium size Heer M40 tunic, webbing and helmet (59cm) available for loan

Posted : 31/10/2009 10:36 am
panzerfaust joust
Posts: 316
Reputable Member

I have a heer m36 uniform if anyone wants to borrow it. (tunic size 101cm 38/40" inches, trousers 32 inch waist)

.-..-. .- --. .- .. -. / .-- .. - .... / - .... . / -. . --. .- - .. ...- . / .-- .- ...- . ... --..-- / -- --- .-. .. .- .-. - -.-- .-.-.- .-..-.

Posted : 01/11/2009 9:17 am
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Sorry.. we are 21 Germans. Mayby nexst time. :?

Well, as you can see if you look at most of the past games on here, the average event will have between 20 and 30 people per side, so it would not always be possible to take your block booking of 21! :wink:

I'm sure a few of you could come over - does it have to be all of you?

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 01/11/2009 2:27 pm
Posts: 8795
Illustrious Member

Hi, sounds good!
I'll be up for doing German. My kit is just tropical at the moment, so I might well be asking to borrow a tunic etc.

Posted : 01/11/2009 5:40 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Payment sent for another German.

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 18/11/2009 10:30 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Payment sent for another German.

And received! :good:

Posted : 19/11/2009 10:08 am
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Payment sent for another Royal Engineer :-)



And again, received, glad to have you! :good:

Posted : 24/11/2009 12:14 pm
Posts: 177
Estimable Member

Looks good. payment via PP on its way for German garrison

Posted : 28/11/2009 5:43 pm
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