Hi Guys here are the rules for being shot/medic treatment etc on Sunday.
Each player carries one First Field Dressing (i.e. strip of bandage). If you are hit you remove this from your pouch or pocket and hold it up in the air (to minimise overkil by signposting you are 'out of action'.
Please roleplay your hit where possible, talking is allowed if its in character i.e 'Leave me Charlie...i'm a gonner' rather than 'Charlie get back there's a german round the corner'. Communication when hit must not reveal any other players location or in any way aid your team.... purely for character.
What to shout:
German - Sani or Sanitator
Allied - Stretcher Bearer or Medic
Partisan - Lekar
(dont stress about this if you forget and shout medic its ok )
Any other player can add a bandage, adding a bandage to an opposing player 'captures' him. Unless the scenario or your personal agenda states you require a capture DONT DO IT its pointless and slows the game down.
Bandage MUST be placed on the upper body and some effort made to act liek you're treating the casualty. Dont take the mickey and tie the bandage round someones ankle etc....
OK: torso/arms/head
Not OK: Legs/webbing/equipment
A hit player may be dragged to safety but again you cant walk you can crawl, limp, hop etc. You can assist the 'dragger' to avoid shredding your kit but again dont take the michael.
If you cant be rescued you may chose to bleed out between five and ten minutes, in the rare games that require capturing please dont bleed out any sooner than five minutes to give folk a chance to get you.
While you must remain immobile when wounded use common sense and make your 'death throws' get you out of any real hazard such as roads.
If you are hit again while wearing your bandage you are 'dead' and must go silently (after a suitable death throw scream or whatever' to the safe zone for a cuppa... If you wish and it is safe (i.e. not on the road) you may lie in place. You dont have to but it adds to the game if you do, at least for the duration of any immediate firefights.
With the owners consent and again where safe any squad LMG/MMG or other crew served weapon may be left in situ and taken over by any other member of the squad who is trained to use it.
In certain scenarios there will be medical posts on site. Attending one of these means that your bandage can be removed and you are to all effects and purposes on your first 'life'
While PBI will provide a small strip of 'bandage' if would assist the game immeasurably if each player could bring their own first field dressing and stain it with some water proof red paint.
In the unfortunate and unlikely event you are genuinely injured shout 'CEASEFIRE' as loudly as you are able, should you hear this call repeat it loudly until all on site have heard it.
Ceasefire will ONLY be called for a serious injury or if a hazard such as a member of the public is on site.
When ceasefire is called all players MUST put down their weapons (after making them safe if possible) and wait until the situation is resolved.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
excelent rules and ideas gadge
i really like the lie in place till firefights over, a good commander can "count the dead" and have a rough idea if any are left
its rules like this that are unenforceable in normal airsoft. i think this game will set a new standard of sportsmanship if everyone keeps to the rules and in charicter .
a khaki / grey or cillivian tide line on the battlefeild will look great
personally im all for lying in place, (and i will)
i get to see the outcome, whilst proveiding a nice corpse for the atmosphere
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Okay a few extra points...
#1 Bandages must be put somewhere on the upper body. eg the arm or head. Not on legs and not tucked into webbing or eppaulettes. This means it is more obvious that someone is being mediced. No stealth medicing.
#2 Bleed-out time is between 5 and 10 minutes. Player's choice.
#3 Loaded mags and bagged support ammo may be taken from wounded/dead players by their own side with the owning player's consent.
The rules sound good to me. I intend to fully role play my hits according to where and how I am hit. If I'm wounded I'm going to scream and shout things like 'Ich bin Getrofen' (I think thats right), pretend to try & bandage and drag myself to safety but will avoid saying 'hit' at all costs! If dead I'll go through some death throws if the person is unlikely to know they got me, if I think they certain to know they got i'll just drop straight away and will stay 'dead' until the remaining players have moved off.
Just to clarrify; we are allowed to move unassisted when wounded, but only in a realistic manner?
if would assist the game immeasurably if each player could bring their own first field dressing and stain it with some water proof red paint.
I was just about to do that myself for that extra touch, I'm glad to see you're one step ahead. I plan to use a long piece so it looks more like a proper bandage when tied on.
Just to clarrify; we are allowed to move unassisted when wounded, but only in a realistic manner?
No... I think that we'd probably have to say no to that.
Just to clarrify; we are allowed to move unassisted when wounded, but only in a realistic manner?
Its probably best if you dont, you cant medic yourself so theres little point and you'll probably just draw overkill.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
Ok, I guess I read it wrong.
If a player "bleeds out", I assume he'll be classed as "dead" after that?
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
at huskey i used the drop when hit, and i never got over killed, i screamed" Arrrgghh" and just dropped and lay still
one guy, speirs i think, said, "Nice death , well done" which spoiled it a bit, but at least i knew he appeiciated it
another time a german guy, (i couldnt see who i was facedown in sheep shit) came running over and said, "are you all right mate" ,
"yes mate im playing dead", me
" oh right thought you were hurt" and off he ran bb`s following him all the way, it must have looked quite real to the allies
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
If a player "bleeds out", I assume he'll be classed as "dead" after that?
and has the choice of lying in situ or going to the safe zone to bomb up or have a drink.
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."
i know this is vietnam, but please try for this amount of effort in your deaths .
Hmm... what we could do with is bottles / bags of red washable liquid that we can release when injured - either all over ourselves, or all over the road, etc. Any suggestions as to what might fit the bill?
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
er... up to you... even washable liquid may not wash. I'm not taking the chance!
Hmm... what we could do with is bottles / bags of red washable liquid that we can release when injured - either all over ourselves, or all over the road, etc.
Any suggestions as to what might fit the bill?
I'd suggest that some sort of object filled with paint could be made spherical and small enough to fit in a gun as ammunition. Like BBs, but with paint inside. Balls filled with paint. We could call them Emulsion Spheres.
I'd suggest that some sort of object filled with paint could be made spherical and small enough to fit in a gun as amunition. Like BBs, but with paint inside. Balls filled with paint. We could call them Emulsion Spheres.
tried em
I used to shoot red 6mm Paint BB`s at twats who never took their hits at open days, Guess what? they still didnt take the hit
they DO work if you muzzle load them on top of a normal BB
dont ever put them in a magazine, they burst in the hop and trash the gearbox yes i did it, (mind you id only been softing 3 months)
they can be fun in the right circumstance, but id never use them on someone in ww2 kit, its not on, loadouts are too expensive
mind you , some dual minimi toting teflon twat wearing desert didgicam there open game in my opinion
real life example:
one guy at LFU claywheels lane had 7 YES seven red paint splats on his back and he never took the hit, ( i had time to Muzzle load 7 bbs and he took 14 hits 7 x .20 bb and 7 x 6mm paint. ) then i walked up and patted him on the back and said bang your dead, he walked off 40 yards, and carried on shooting
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison