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So how was it for you.......?

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Just got to say, one hell of a day. :lol:

Hell of a site. :lol:

Well worked game.. :lol:

Must say sorry to porta and tiny for shooting them 3 times, sorry lads, just doing as I was told.. :twisted:

First and Only Airsoft!!

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:05 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I loved it great day cheers to everyone who organised it,and everyone who took part,also Tony and paul for bringing me.

If its passed 9 there is a 95% chance im pissed.

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:07 pm
Posts: 4596
Famed Member

Loved it. Respect due to both sides for a hard but fair fight!

From my point of view, the Axis got up and at 'em in true German style. Bags of firepower and attitude :)

Once again, an absolute pleasure to share a skirmish site with you guys and gals.

PS - Helga, you didn't steal my Kharkov parka HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :twisted:

When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:11 pm
Posts: 673
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And thanks must go to you dude for all the work you put in..... :lol:

First and Only Airsoft!!

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:12 pm
Posts: 1723
Noble Member

awesome fun guys. had a fantastic time. Great back and forth between both sides with the initial german charge and then the fight back from the allies. Getting that motor out that fast was especially fun. Some great firefights. Was really challanging having to use a pistol for most of the game due to shotgun and then sten problems. But let me see a different side of things being a medic and being able to move more freely.

Big thanks to all at UCAP the sites stunning. Wish I could make the halloween game

On a more general note the spirit and sportsmanship from both sides was amazing, with some fantastic and unconventional play from everyone. Porta diving into our room where we were pinned down was hilarious, ps sorry about your hand heh.

cant express enough thanks to the CiA organisers, fantastic game guys

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:19 pm
Posts: 215
Estimable Member

What a cracking weekend - from the place, to the event, to the teams, people and attitude, it was all fantastic.

CiA events are by far the best organised, arranged and most interesting I've ever been to, and Wotan was possibly the best so far.

I can't wait for D-day!

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:31 pm
Helga Geerhart
Posts: 4580
Famed Member

YAH we're home :D smidge tired so won't post much now :wink: :oops: broadcasts will return to normal tomorrow when I don't have to attempt to sleep whilst hearing girlie sniggering :lol:

Oh and Kermit just because its still in your posession doesn't mean it will be permenantly :twisted:

Only one thing to say, and huge thanks to the organisers and UCAP 8) and of course the rest of the rabble that turned up.

You can all breathe a huge sigh of relief now as tonights visit online is short

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:56 pm
Posts: 673
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Topic starter

just like you are.........

First and Only Airsoft!!

Posted : 07/10/2007 9:57 pm
Posts: 2128
Noble Member

yet anouther fantastic cia event just when think it carnt get any better
it does roll on d day time to even the score :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
thanks to everyone for a great time

theres nowt so Permanent as temporary

Posted : 07/10/2007 10:27 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Thanks to all of you for taking part - we are a great team, both Allied and Axis, and no lost tempers... OK, excuse me for barking at someone who kept firing at me when I was holding my blue light clearly in view... :oops: :lol:

Thanks to all the leaders who kept the game going with twists and turns, and to the maker of the Ark of the Covenant!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Special thanks to Kermit, whose baby this was. Well done mate. :)

Memories.... ah.... Tiny jumping out into the middle of the corridor and letting loose with TWO MP40s!!!!

We didn't even know the Allied callsign, but someone shouting "Sausage" and then earning an immediate reply of half a dozen MP40s!!! :lol:

Yith,s BFG rolling up to my boot and exploding! Well done mate.

And my kit being covered in mud after lying prone - good weathering! :roll:

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 07/10/2007 10:40 pm
Posts: 2286
Noble Member

Had a fantastic weekend, at both the pre-game social, and the day itself, which had a great mix of fighting and gaining tactical objectives, with both attack and defense on both sides in an absolutely amazing site! if only it wasn't getting on for four hours away!

Many thanks to all the organisers, and all the players, great teamwork, and everyone being sportsmanlike and taking it all in good humour!

Oh, and i've finally managed to take my boot off, and yes, i have broken my toe again! :lol:

Posted : 07/10/2007 10:47 pm
Posts: 428
Reputable Member

Not been home long, got in at 12:45, after missing my junction on the motorway twice, yes once getting on the M1, carried on towards london :shock: , then missing the M62 and carrying on up the M1. I must have been sleeping at wheel :roll: . Not a long post cos im up at 4:30 am to go to amsterdam for a 3 day bender, but what a fantastic site, and what a fantastic game.

The only thing I can say that happened that wasnt good for me was loosing my cigar out of the brim of the my bowler about an hour into the game(shortly after the dual MP40 wielding). Many, many thanks to all involved in planning and prepping the game and the site and also to everyone who was there. :D

Think i'll try andddd ggeeeetttt someeeeeeee...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

p.s. I dont snore :oops:

My Two Cents.....

"I'll show you 'ow the English knock the top off a egg"

Dboys K98
plus loads of other modern day crap

Posted : 08/10/2007 12:06 am
Posts: 4596
Famed Member

Tiny, if there's one thing you guys have taught me this weekend.....

If you absolutely, positively, definitely need the loudest diversionary assault against the enemy - then call the 27th Panzers :D

I'll echo Rhysd2, helluva site, and many thanks to the UCAP crew for letting us use it!

When we were a Kingdom it was run by a King
When we were an Empire it was run by an Empress
Now we're a country we're run by a..........

Posted : 08/10/2007 12:10 am
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Yes, massive thumbs up to all at the site for really getting into the spirit of the day. 8)

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 08/10/2007 8:39 am
Posts: 8795
Illustrious Member

I loved it great day cheers to everyone who organised it,and everyone who took part,also Tony and paul for bringing me.

"Tony? You still alive? Tony?..."


Posted : 08/10/2007 9:23 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I loved it great day cheers to everyone who organised it,and everyone who took part,also Tony and paul for bringing me.

"Tony? You still alive? Tony?..."


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Good ambush by you lot when that grenade hit my foot i ran like fook :lol: :lol: :lol:

If its passed 9 there is a 95% chance im pissed.

Posted : 08/10/2007 9:31 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

Also cheers everyone for a great laugh the night befor.

If its passed 9 there is a 95% chance im pissed.

Posted : 08/10/2007 9:35 am
Posts: 1723
Noble Member

aye the night before was immense fun. thanks to the chaps who brought the movies and projector. Che for the cigar :) and everyone else for the general fun of the whole evening.

Memorable spot of the evening being my batman(craig) being drunk and deciding he had to wash his face with soap at almost 1am. then realising he didnt have enough water in our tiny cups had to stagger back several times with soap all over his face and in his eyes for more water. and the scream when at one point he forgot how hot the water was and threw it on his face. all that took 35 mins and he still woke up covered in soap in the morning lol

Posted : 08/10/2007 9:41 am
Posts: 2213
Noble Member

Fantastic day! :D This was my first CiA game and It really was a truly immersive experience. An amazing site, fantastic props, sound effects, and of course a great bunch of players. It was like all your favourite WWII FPS games come-to-life! Spot-on! I'm gutted I cant make the D-Day game.

Thanks to Andy and the UCAP staff and regulars who played their parts superbly. Loved Andy as the Furher! :) Thanks to Kermit and all the CiA organisers who did a truly superb job, and again thanks to all the players for the great kameraderie and sportsmanship.

I have one apology to whoever pinged me on the helmet to which I did not immediatly respond as I genuinely thought it could only have been a ricochet. :oops: nice shot fella and I still have no idea where you were shooting from :?

“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942

"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942

Posted : 08/10/2007 9:50 am
Helga Geerhart
Posts: 4580
Famed Member

:lol: Nah Lewis best comment all weekend (and my gawd did he say a few things that were hysterical) was when using a tachenlampe at the end of the day, with a red filter on it, he asked me if it also had a white bulb :rofl:

One of many classics, like Yiths first thing Saturday morning "who was it doing all the electricity last night" :rofl: took awhile to twig he meant snoring :rofl:

Or what about the girls brigade that shouted "quick shhhh mums coming" still not sure if I should be offended or not :rofl:

Well I survived yet another event, and boy what an event it was. I even managed to get a great welting battle wound before we even started the night before, when I ever so gracefully (not) threw myself on the floor from the front step :oops: :rofl: :oops:

Was great to see the UCAP chaps and chapess, joining in with the spirit of events (I hope the young ladies legs aren't too pebble dashed today). A very welcoming site 8) & crew, and as I said last night a huge thanks to all four of you (I think there was only four :oops: sorry if there was another hiding out somewhere :lol: ). The site is great and its obvious how much work has gone into getting it as it is, and a credit to yourselves 8) .

Was great to meet new faces and regretable to see some of you ...... like erm Rhys :rofl: ;)

The Saturday night social was really good, I didn't see the films but had some "interesting" conversations outside, and overheard some very strange things :shock: :rofl:

CiA admin mods, especially Kermit went all out for us to have a good event and thank gawd they did :D thanks Chaps 8)

I even managed to get a few hours sleep, which is more than the last two times I kipped out in the presence of CiA members :lol:

Bar the first group out of the CP with the GD lads, I managed sucessfully to avoid Che all day 8) (helped he couldn't get his head around not getting lost in the tunnels :rofl: ) and got to play with some great people, the unfortunate know who they are :twisted: ;)

Getting to wander in amongst the cross fire whilst taking pictures was cool seeing how the allies worked together as obviously I don't normally have that priveledge. In and out of dark tunnels and generally getting a better feel of the site was awesome and I felt very priveledged and quite humbled bimbling around on my own (and not scared :raspberry: I didn't even have a torch :lol: )

Finally how could I forget my raspberry assault badge :D which even though I lost it :oops: . I had realised something amiss whilst I was hiding behind a barrel frantically trying to reload a mag that I'd dropped something though it wasn't til I got back to the CP, that I realised what it was. So dragged Che with a torched (as I'd lost that as well however it was found) into the tunnels to find it, and there it was exactly where I said it was, despite Che insisting I was getting him lost :roll: sadly my :raspberry: is tongueless and will need some TLC :oops: but he's survived enough to attend another event :lol:

I'm sure I'll think of more I haven't said :lol: but that will do for now ;) :raspberry:

Posted : 08/10/2007 9:51 am
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