Two places have become available at short notice on the Allied side - you can be Brit or US. First persons to make payment by Paypal secures the places!
Details on how to pay on this page:
do the allies know its underground with no risk of rain???????
the rot has already set in, Allied morale is so low because they know the glourious german army will win.
it may be chilly in the tunnels, thats why 2 dropped out,
come on your pansys
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Of course, when you were battling through the rain and mud at CR Tony you showed everyone how........oh hang on a minute.....
meh... I remember a day when Porta was allied...
Of course, when you were battling through the rain and mud at CR Tony you showed everyone how........oh hang on a minute.....
i was there in spirit if not in the flesh
and yith, i dont think i was ever allied
i know i wore us unifrom at the bulge game, but i was an agent
ooh cripes ive been rumbled , im out of here
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
do the allies know its underground with no risk of rain???????
the rot has already set in, Allied morale is so low because they know the glourious german army will win.
it may be chilly in the tunnels, thats why 2 dropped out,
come on your pansys
Sod off No where I'd rather be than down a tunnel with a bunch of sweaty guys, however HMRC has decided to bend me over and shaft me royally.
huh in what way?
If its just that you need to borrow some kit, then I'm sure that can be sorted...
It's not kit, I'm sorted for that. Long story short it's a business related charge that rightly or wrongly wasn't accounted for and needs to be paid ASAP.
ouch good luck mate. if you have a change of heart and can get as far as weston or bristol your still welcome to kip friday and sunday at mine then drive down with us. not sure if it helps cost wise but worth an offer.
do the allies know its underground with no risk of rain???????
the rot has already set in, Allied morale is so low because they know the glourious german army will win.
it may be chilly in the tunnels, thats why 2 dropped out,
come on your pansys
When you've found yourself sleeping on a rock on the side of a hill on Benbecular in the cold rain and lingering mist with little more than a bivi bag and rifle for company, AND tabbing 20 miles across Kenyan desert in the scorching hot sun carrying 35kilos in the same year... well, a few chilly tunnels seem a little tame.
Whoswill, haven't you paid for Wotan anyway?
If we can't get someone to take your place then you won't be saving any money...
Unless you're doing overtime or summat...
I've already paid, however I'll be saving the £50 on the train ticket down to Wakefield where I was meant to be meeting CHThree for a lift the rest of the way, I'll also be saving general expenses like food/cabs etc as I'd have had to travel tomorrow and stay at the folks overnight and then travel back Monday.
As well as the cash it's also a time thing, it effectively takes Friday and half of Monday out of play in terms of working and I could do with being here to make sure everything is in order. I've two business partners to consider and they've done their bit so it's not fair of me to leave them with my responsibility to sort out.
I've been looking forward to this since CR and gutted I've had to make this decision, but at the end of the day it's my business so it'll be me that carries the can if it ballses up
That's a shame... but I understand completely!
I hope you can make the next one!
I'll be at D-Day and 99% sure the F&O gig in December too.
Hope you guys have a good 'un.
Yeah, was gutted when he told me!
Still coming up for a drink tonight, mate?
I'll wander up for a bit around 9ish if that's alright?
No bother big man, I'm on my own tonight - the kids are on holiday.
Have we got these places filled yet?
I can bring some US clothing down with me if some1 needs them to wear?
i've a 82nd jump suit and some webbing i can loan too