It's not my week! My staff sargeant stripes haven't turned up from Epic yet and I probably won't have time to come home after work tomorrow to pick them up even if do they arrive tomorrw. Does anyone have a spare set I can borrow to tack on to my M42s tomorrow night just for the game?
Afraid I can't help Ranj, except for to say Epic are out of stock aren't they? That's what they told me a week or so ago. But then again they waited a week before telling Dean they were out of the regular Sgt stripes.
Paint them on - period pictures support that was done.
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
They were also not always worn, so that isn't huge and yes they were painted, or charcoaled on.
You could always do the white stripe on the helmet?
Ask Webby... he may have some or may be able to get some from platoon?
Ranj, I can get some at lunchtime from Platoon if you're desperate, give me your M42 jacket later on and I'll sew them on
Yes Webby... get them. If Ranj doesn't want them, I'll have 'em!
I'll help with any sewing required, sewing kit is already packed.
Get me some Staff Sgt and Sgt ones as well please.
Craig, did you get yourself and Dean sorted?
Oh webby... see if they have any of those Sten skeleton stocks in. They're on the website at £25. If that's the correct price, then I'll have one!
You could always do the white stripe on the helmet?
I think that was done less than drawing the stripes on hehe
Feck me, how many Staff Sergeants are there going to be?
Often stripes weren't worn on combat uniforms, but they were on dress jackets and shirts.
Feck me, how many Staff Sergeants are there going to be?
I think it's to confuse the snipers! I have to admit, the wearing of rank on a "fighting" uniform is all a bit
to me. Mind you, as a sniper myself, if people want to make it easy for me to single them out, then crack on I say.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
Yes we did Yith.
And there are two Headshot
Two staff sergeants, one for each squad. Each squad also has a sgt as a 2IC. This is how it should be for US organisation as far as I can see.
You may see another sgt, he has glued his insignia on and can't remove it.
Insignia for me is for stock...
I'd like to have the insignia on uniforms as it does look nice (lol) and will help with C&C as not everyone knows everyone else.
According to the manuals. Of course I think that in the field it would have been different, and from some memoirs I was reading recently one squad of the G.I.R. was lead by a private during Normandy.
Cos all the ssgs and sgts were shot by snipers?
No actually, the story is much more amusing.
When the regiment was stationed in Ireland on the run up to D-Day this Sgt was 'the Irishman' of the company and partook of the local hospitality freely. One day the Battalion commander was doing a morning inspection and arrived at this Sgt's bedside in time to see him fall out of it mumbling to himself. The regiment commander demanded he be court-marshalled but the company commander persuaded him that as it was only one man that wasn't necessary.
The regiment commander relented and instead just stripped him to private, but the company and squad commanders kept him as a Sgt with Privates pay. So he still led the squad through Normandy (until shot in the neck) as a Private who everyone in his company acknowledged as being a de facto Sgt.
Yup a much better story!
Reminds me of the officer in Fergusson's brigade that was booted down to private during the 2nd Chindit Expedition. A long way from HQ to get it all sorted. Was odd for him to be amongst the ranks for the rest of the march.
BTW, just got off the phone with Webby, he's in platoon at the moment sorting this all out.
Good Ol' Webby.
Im just about to leave to pop into Fire Support anyone need anything?
could do with 1 of these ... oduct=3206