Dear all
As i have not advertised 500 fps in the rules all weapons will be at 370. This caters for all.
Now lets just get in and have some fun please
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
The guys is a fucking joke. Pushing his own version of the truth and his own agenda just so he can shoot people with his 500FPS gun. Pathetic. And we aren't even mentioning some of his more questionable actions. He has the gall to call people elitist and toxic without realising that is exactly what he is....
The guys is a fecking joke. Pushing his own version of the truth and his own agenda just so he can shoot people with his 500FPS gun. Pathetic. And we aren't even mentioning some of his more questionable actions. He has the gall to call people elitist and toxic without realising that is exactly what he is....
Exactly mate. The first rule of Airsoft is don't be a cock. I wish Seg all the best. A lot of guys in the forum know my home life is challenging and Airsoft is meant to be a fun hobby but I just can't attend a game where I know people will be wilfully taking eyepro off to force a stop to the gameplay, "occupying" the site and generally shitting over everyone's day.
We're all just playing soldiers in a field with toy guns
Can players please stop the bickering now. A game is imminent and I'm sure it will be awesome.
Seg is one of the most experienced airsoft game organisers out there and it is fantastic that he is including WW2 games in his portfolio. It is going to be FUN and a great experience, you are in good hands.
Just ban the idiot. Again
Dear all
I want to draw a line under this please.
I have been organizing games for over 13 years. Our first ww2 game was in 2006 long before most people even knew it existed.
The rules i stated stand. Yes i do allow 500fps at normal skirmish days with no problem. HOWEVER for this game it is a 370 max.
All i want is for folk to come along and play and have a good time.
I have planned everything ready.
So please stop this lets be adults and get on with it.
See you at the weekend
best wishes
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
You guys need to get your heads together and plan and run a game your way instead of complaining that other people's games are not to your taste , if your not prepared to do that then stop complaining .
You and your guys need to leave the organizers of other games alone and let them run the rules THEY want to run. If other people's games aren't to your taste I suggest you don't book them.
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
You literally said last night on Facebook you are going to protest the game and stop it from going ahead. Anyone can go on the ww2 Airsoft UK Facebook group and read that for themselves. Also, I can think of at least 2 organisers (resulting in several games a year) that you not allowed to book onto.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Or do you just spout bollocks all the time?
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
You literally said last night on Facebook you are going to protest the game and stop it from going ahead. Anyone can go on the ww2 Airsoft UK Facebook group and read that for themselves. Also, I can think of at least 2 organisers (resulting in several games a year) that you not allowed to book onto.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Or do you just spout bollocks all the time?
No, liar, I said I'd heard from other people it was being suggested. Not by any of the guys in my group. Fact. You read exactly that, now you're here telling blatant lies with a malicious agenda.
Just for the record, I'm could give a rat's if I have to use my MP40. This has nothing to do with 'wanting to be a sniper', it's about this being a proper milsim playing to the standard rules played all over this country at both skirmishes attended by children and milsims attended by adults every weekend. That and nothing else.
Oh, just read the rest of your LIES. Name the organizers and/or groups that have banned me from games.
And the thread you're using to back up your lies, you already know the guy's deleted it, don't you mate. How convenient.
Anyway, enough of this crap, I'm done arguing about it. It's down to whether or not our group and the guys in the affiliated one still want to attend. You can imagine the cluster-fk that's been caused for those who are now without weapons.
Just follow the rules. Don't book onto a game if you can't abide by them.
I've said enough in this matter now.
I was up to 5am this morning, dealing with PMs from people I've never even heard of until now (a very long list). Apparently I'm the spokesman for everyone who feels screwed over their rifles, because I have a reputation for fighting corners and fighting them hard.
Nothing good has been done for the general WW2 membership with these rules but as somebody else said, "it is what it is".
I've done my bit for this corner, anyone who still wants to fight it with Seg can do it themselves. Thank you.
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
You literally said last night on Facebook you are going to protest the game and stop it from going ahead. Anyone can go on the ww2 Airsoft UK Facebook group and read that for themselves. Also, I can think of at least 2 organisers (resulting in several games a year) that you not allowed to book onto.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Or do you just spout bollocks all the time?
No, liar, I said I'd heard from other people it was being suggested. Not by any of the guys in my group. Fact. You read exactly that, now you're here telling blatant lies with a malicious agenda.
Just for the record, I'm could give a rat's if I have to use my MP40. This has nothing to do with 'wanting to be a sniper', it's about this being a proper milsim playing to the standard rules played all over this country at both skirmishes attended by children and milsims attended by adults every weekend. That and nothing else.
Oh, just read the rest of your LIES. Name the organizers and/or groups that have banned me from games.
And the thread you're using to back up your lies, you already know the guy's deleted it, don't you mate. How convenient.
Umm the obvious flaw in this logic is this - it was the leader of your group that posted the whole thing that you stuck your oar into and subsequently deleted largely because of your sticking your divisive toxic oar into it, and yet its all a great conspiracy on Ralphs part to get the message deleted?
Also, why would anyone else want to sabotage a game that they had no issue with - again no logic. Get off the weed.
You are very good at going round and spouting off when things are not to your liking calling people elitist divisive and toxic when all these labels fit you quite snuggly. You want an ultra realistic game - fine go ahead and organise it - I can guarantee as soon as your name is associated with it it will have the grand total of no one show up.
Shh little monkee, stop trying to keep the pot stirred and move on.
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
Er yes you are Banned.
We had this same ongoing discussion a couple of years ago SIGGI about 500fps sniper rifles and the result was we refunded your money and asked you not to attend any of Southern Army Division Games Ever. I think that constitutes a Ban!!!!
If you need to refresh your memory I have included the link. ... 92&t=19881
No response required to this post as this is a No reply mail box.
You literally said last night on Facebook you are going to protest the game and stop it from going ahead. Anyone can go on the ww2 Airsoft UK Facebook group and read that for themselves. Also, I can think of at least 2 organisers (resulting in several games a year) that you not allowed to book onto.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Or do you just spout bollocks all the time?
No, liar, I said I'd heard from other people it was being suggested. Not by any of the guys in my group. Fact. You read exactly that, now you're here telling blatant lies with a malicious agenda.
Just for the record, I'm could give a rat's if I have to use my MP40. This has nothing to do with 'wanting to be a sniper', it's about this being a proper milsim playing to the standard rules played all over this country at both skirmishes attended by children and milsims attended by adults every weekend. That and nothing else.
Oh, just read the rest of your LIES. Name the organizers and/or groups that have banned me from games.
And the thread you're using to back up your lies, you already know the guy's deleted it, don't you mate. How convenient.
Umm the obvious flaw in this logic is this - it was the leader of your group that posted the whole thing that you stuck your oar into and subsequently deleted largely because of your sticking your divisive toxic oar into it, and yet its all a great conspiracy on Ralphs part to get the message deleted?
Also, why would anyone else want to sabotage a game that they had no issue with - again no logic. Get off the weed.
You are very good at going round and spouting off when things are not to your liking calling people elitist divisive and toxic when all these labels fit you quite snuggly. You want an ultra realistic game - fine go ahead and organise it - I can guarantee as soon as your name is associated with it it will have the grand total of no one show up.
Divisive? The most divisive thing here is the difference in rules between any other milsim and a WWII milsim. Any "justification" for 370fps rifles has, as far as I'm concerned, been blown out of the water. I don't for a second believe that people are used to running 370fps rifles in normal skirmishes too, and if they do, than that's their own foolish decision. You're telling me if I ever wanted to go to a WWII milsim I have to muck about spending money on a different spring and bbs in addition? For just one game? How daft.
Just to bring everyone's attention to it, for those who aren't on Facebook. Siggi Langnasen and his group are planning to protest this game and occupy the site. Belive it or not but they are actually trying to stop 60+ players from playing toy guns in a field because they want 500 fps snipers.
I've since left the groups on Facebook as I don't want to have to deal or even see this level of bullshit anymore. Also I'm cancelling my attendance to this game. If this kind of behaviour is allowed to go on, it'll kill the hobby. I'll stick to the games that Siggi is banned from (which are many). Life is too short to be dealing with random strangers from the Internet
You're a bare-faced liar. The group I'm in have no such plans and I am banned from NO games nor have EVER.
Er yes you are Banned.
We had this same ongoing discussion a couple of years ago SIGGI about 500fps sniper rifles and the result was we refunded your money and asked you not to attend any of Southern Army Division Games Ever. I think that constitutes a Ban!!!!If you need to refresh your memory I have included the link. ... 92&t=19881No response required to this post as this is a No reply mail box.
Err, no. I was offered a refund if I wanted it, via PM, I said "damned straight". For me and two others, after your rabid PM abuse and accusations of wanting to cheat for simply responding to your public request to be notified of 'high-powered' rifles.
So don't go trying to manipulate how it actually went down, 'mate', I pulled out of your 'game', I wasn't 'banned'. I wouldn't touch one of your 'games' with a pole. Nor would hundreds of others who ditched the scene because of the behaviour of you and your tiny gang of 'pals'.
And thank you for providing the link. That you think it shows you in even the remotest of good light indicates so precisely what's so obviously wrong with you. For everyone to see with their own eyes.
Now, can we finally move on or do you intend to try and stir more crap with your BS, 'mate'?
I really have no idea. I have no agenda in this other than pointing out the BS that Siggi spouts as usual. I couldn't give a fig about the rules for a game I am not attending nor had any intention to attend. However, when he starts nonsensically attacking people I consider friends then I will step in. He is quite a brave man hiding behind a false name on FB and able to spew away.
I was referring to him being a divisive personality not being divisive on the subject. He probably has a point but as usual the way he goes about it both here and on FB is wrong. His self righteous crusade over an argument that started 3 years ago and that he cant let go of are quite quite telling. He seems to think that he is the victim in all this when having read through the previous posts and threads about the previous time he stuck his head above the parapet it is obvious that he is the author of his own demise go read the link that Handschen has posted. I have no bear in that fight as it occurred before I got into WW2 airsoft . There are ways and means to go about things and this is not it. If I were you I would not choose to associate myself with such a character.
For what its worth I don't think that there is a blanket 500FPS limit for snipers in Milsims and cannot actually recall seeing 500FPS for sniper and 450 for semi auto anywhere in any of the Milsims I have been to. Equating this game to a Milsim is stretching it a bit for me as I don't ever think that was the intent.
Ultimately, he went about things the wrong way as usual and yet again has proved to a lot of people why he shouldn't be anywhere near anything they organise.