Well done to both sides today. The allies though outnumbered fought like tigers. They took the german hq twice! Everyone played in good spirit and it was very honourable all round. Pity the weather came down at the end.
Happy xmas to you all.
Cracking day Tony, was great fun and probably the best gameplay I can remember in 13 years of ww2 airsoft, great to see the T25 there and was enjoyable driving the weasel and using my bazooka.
Best day I have had in a while. Thanks to all who organised and played
The bazooka - probably most impressive death I’ve received for quite some time when you blasted our machine gun position. I think someone took some pics of our dead smouldering corpses when you guys eventually walked up on us!
Great fun today. Thanks Seg for all the organising, and lending me a spare rifle when my mp40 mags failed, and a special thanks to Lutz for giving George and I a lift to the station when we weren’t able to call our taxi.
Big thanks to Seg, and to each and every one who attended, brilliant day. Great site. I still haven’t seen the farmhouse tho.......next time
Thanks Tony , another cracking day , even the weather was kinder than the forecast , it only really rained in the last hour .The vehicles were great, even when you could not see the vehicles you could hear them moving around , that gas MG on the armoured jeep was so cool ( shame it scared the gentry) . My only gripe was the traffic on the way home , that really sucked !
Thanks again for a great day .
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
An amazing day, had a good laugh throughout the day with everyone (except when trying to take that damn farmhouse) but the Germans did get our revenge in the bunkers, looking forward to seeing you all again at future games
What a very good event.
We had great fun and it was great to catch up with some old faces
Despite a brake failure and resulting crash in to a roundabout on the way to site, (we budged the brake system after and ran on one wheel with a working brake)
We then had to drive home to Manchester at 40mph with a bent axle or hub ((not had chance to check) and one brake with Matt hand cranking the wipers the whole way as water coming in shorted the wiper motor.
8 hours of hell to get home
But it was still worth it
Great event, great people ....
mucho fun
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
You two are complete nutjobs! But it was great to see you tearing around in that battlewagon all afternoon.
Big thanks to Seg, lovely bloke and a great game.
What a great day, thanks for organising Seg. Really enjoyed my first event, can’t wait for the next one. Thanks to all for making me so welcome and letting me borrow some much needed stuff.
Good day,and great fun, now we need an event in the spring 2019 ,come on Seg get a date in now so everyone can get prepared
Took me a few days to find my iPad!
Great game, even though I only lasted the morning, thought the noisy transport was a great effect and was impressed with the " bombing runs" from the jeep!
Looking forward to the next one........hopefully in the SUMMER!
My first WW2 game, really enjoyed, bit cold camping Friday night but did not deter from what was a great day cheers mate once again great game
Do I get my ribbon
Any more photos or video clips?
Do I get my ribbon
You have to copy and paste it to your profile. It’s titled “ campaign medal “ in the chat page....
The bazooka - probably most impressive death I’ve received for quite some time when you blasted our machine gun position. I think someone took some pics of our dead smouldering corpses when you guys eventually walked up on us!
Great fun today. Thanks Seg for all the organising, and lending me a spare rifle when my mp40 mags failed, and a special thanks to Lutz for giving George and I a lift to the station when we weren’t able to call our taxi.
did these photos surface? Would love to see them, we had a great ( if not expensive) day with the bazooka and all the Getman players were excellent and good fun . Hats of to you all