Guys, we have very limited daylight and I have a very cool night operation to run too. Please be ready to move out for 9am!!
REGISTRATION WITH START AT 5pm Friday until 10pm and restart at 7.30am until 8.30am Saturday. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be there and ready!!
Please be ready to kick off at 9.00am Saturday morning as we have a long walk to the starting point and if you are not ready, you will be costing everyone else their fun time!!
They will be a re-brief at 4.30pm for the night operation, which will finish no later than 7pm.
Sunday kicks off at 10am and finished around 12pm – 1pm depending on objectives completed!
READ THIS!!!!! You will signing in to say you have on Friday night/Sat morning.
Welcome to Gunman Airsoft, Game and Site Safty!
1. Goggles
• Goggles must be worn at all times when outside of the Safe Zone! Unless a Ref calls an area safe. DO NOT TAKE THEM OFF DURING A GAME!
• If your goggles fall off or are damaged, place your hands over your eyes and call man down and a Ref will come to your aid.
• We strongly recommend full-face mask, as you will get shot in the face.
2. Safe Zone. GOING SAFE!
• All guns must have their clips removed and have no bbs in the firing chamber, turn the gun upside down and fire a few single shots.
• All guns must be on safety.
3. Site safety Woodland
• Do not climb up trees.
• The Woodland, scrubland dune areas have been fairly untouched so mind you’re footing and low branches.
4. Site Safty Beach
• The dunes are untouched and have hazards all over them so watch your footing.
• Bear aware we are playing on public land, so stick to the targets and don’t go outside the gaming area.
5. Out of bounds areas
• Any structures or areas that have been red taped up must not be entered.
• Do not go beyond the gaming areas.
• Do not shoot at the livestock.
6. Fire Points
• In case of uncontrolled fire, all persons must make there way to the SAFE ZONE.
7. First aid
• The First aid point is at the Safe Zone and Refs will carry a first aid pouch for scratches and scrapes.
8. Gun safety
• At point blank range a single shot is sufficient.
• When entering structures guns should be lowered to prevent headshots.
• Guns must NOT be fired for more than 3 second burst to prevent overkill.
• No blind firing, be sure you have a target to shot at.
• Minimum range for 350fps Support 15m and 400fps+ Snipers 20m.
• Surrender call can only be made at point blanc range.
9. Pyro’s
• Pyro’s must not be thrown at a live target.
• You must be able to see the area the pyro is being thrown.
• ANY heavy cased pyro must be under arm rolled 5m or dropped ONLY!
• Any explosive claymore or mine must have its base unit set up away from clear walkways and doorways. The pyro explosion must face down! Only shotgun and 9mm blanks are allowed!.
• BB claymores and powder Mines must not be set up to hit above 3ft!
10. Under 18s
• Must ware full face protection.
• Cannot use Pyros of any kind
11. Honour
Airsoft is a game of TRUST and at Gunman we take this very seriously, we do NOT allow shooting to a Yield or cheating, If your hit first you’re the one that needs a re-spawn. Airsoft is a realistic combat simulation experience and not paintball.
1 - Start the game.
2 – Warning – Lets you no if you have been hit and not felt it or if you breaking any of the site or game rules.
3 - Game over/stop game.
Verbal CALLS
The whistle has been blown three times, GO SAFE!
Game play must stop and all participants are to stay where they are until one blast of the whistle starts the game again or Refs calls the game to a close.
‘FIRE’ there is a fire, all participants are to stay where they are until a Refs calls the game to play or a close.
Heer Schmidt
If we can't find any suitable Safety Brie, would we be able to substitute a Protective Camembert?