FJR2 Fallschirmjäger – Basis of impression
Both Fallschirmjäger in the picture are wearing the type 3 Splinter B jump smock and Fallschirmjäger Jump Trousers. You can see from the kit list above and the photo, that Fallschirmjäger equipment is quite varied and this is the norm.
Formed 2.43 in Western France (Vannes/Bretagne area) under the 7.Armee. The division was formed from Fallschirm-Jäger-Regiment 2 and the II./Fallschirm-Artillerie-Regiment 1. The two new regiments of the division, FJR.6 and FJR.7, were formed from various other units such as Luftwaffen-Feld-Bataillon 100, IV./Luftlande-Sturm-Regiment 1 and the Lehr-Bataillon/Fliegerkorps XI.
In late May 1943 the division moved to Ales and Nimes, and became subordinated to Fliegerkorps XI/Heeresgruppe D as a strategic reserve, together with the 1.Fallschirm-Jäger-Division. A month later the division was ordered to Italy, and took up station guarding the coast between the Tiber estuary and Tarquinia, now directly under Oberbefehlshaber Süd. On 9.9.43 the unit moved into Rome, to disarm its garrison. The only major resistance was encountered at Monterotondo, which was dealt with by II./FJR.6. Three days later, the 1st company of FJR.7, participated in the rescue of Mussolini, at Gran Sasso d’Italia. In the next two months, the division remained stationed near Rome, but part of the division participated in two major actions: 9.17.43 II./FJR.7 at Elba and 11.12.43 I./FJR.2 at Leros. The rest of the division remained in reserve, subordinated directly to OB Süd.
In late November 1943 the division transferred to Shitomir in Russia, now under XXXXII.AK/Pz.AOK 4. Part of the division remained in Italy however, and was used to form the 4.Fallschirm-Jäger-Division. The units were I./FJR.2, II./FJR.6 and I./FJR.7. The whole FJR.6 was now disbanded, with I./FJR.6 becoming the new I. /FJR.7. Thus the division arrived in Russia with only two regiments.
In May 1944 the depleted division moved to Köln-Wahn for a period of rest and rebuilding. In less than a month the division was on the move again, this time to Normandy, now under XXV.AK/AOK.7 (Div. HQ: Concarneau). There it was joined by the new FJR.6, however this was to be shortlived, on D-Day the regiment again became independent. The division saw only little combat in June 1944, and in July was in reserve, under AOK.7, in the Quimper – Landerneau area. In August and September the division participated in the defence of Brest (XXV.AK, directly under Heeresgruppe D). When Brest fell on 9.19.44, the division surrendered (except FJR.6 and I./FJR.2, which escaped encirclement at Brest).
The order for reformation was issued on 9.24.44 (to be completed 11.01.44), and all remnants of the old division were united in Amersfoort, Holland. The new division was combat ready in early December 1944, with three new regiments: FJR.2, FJR.7 and FJR.23. The new troops were provided from Oldenburg, Halle and the Berlin area. The Division went into combat in January 1945. It ended the war in the Ruhr Pocket in April 1945.

• M38 Fallschirmjäger Helmet: £35 – EB (MN, EM, RAU, SoF)
• M43 Einheitsfliegermütze Cap: – £16 – EB (MN, EM, RAU,Sof)
• M38 Helmet Cover (Green or Splinter B): £15 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• 2nd Model EM Fliegerbluse: £65 – MN (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Fallschirmjäger Jump trousers: £40 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Type 2 or Type 3 JumpSmock (Green or Splinter B Camouflage): £45 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Luftwaffe EM trapezoid for M43 Cap: £5 – MN (EM)
• Collar Insignia (Gold/Yellow Waffenfarbe for Flight Troops): £8 – MN (EM)
• Collar rank metal gulls: £1.50 each – MN (EM)
• Luftwaffe EM chest eagle for Fliegerbluse: £5 – MN (EM)
• Luftwaffe EM chest eagle for Jump Smock: £5 – MN (EM)
• Luftwaffe EM Shoulder Boards (Gold/Yellow Waffenfarbe): £10 per pair – MN (EM)
• Fallschirmjäger Qualification Badge(Metal): £14 – MN (EM)
• Fallschirmjäger Qualification Badge(Cloth): £10 – MN (EM)
• British Army Boots Combat High: £10 – EB (Various Suppliers)
Belt Order
• Black or Brown EM Leather Belt: £16 – MN (EM)
• EM Luftwaffe Belt Buckle: £15 – MN (EM)
• 2 x MP40 triple Pouches: £30 pair – MN (EM) or 2 x MP40 Six Mag Pouches: £35 pair – MN (EM)
• Leather or Canvas Y-Straps: – £30 – MN (EM)
• Bread Bag (Green or Blue): £13 – MN (EM)
• Mess Tin and Strap: £5 for repro tin, £3 for strap – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Water Bottle, Cover and Metal Cup: £45 EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Fallschirmjäger Cloth Gasmask Container: £30 – SoF (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Entrenching tool – £15 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• Entrenching tool holder – £14 – (EM, Various Suppliers)
• K98 Bayonet – £45 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• k98 Bayonet frog: £10 – EB (EM, Various Suppliers)
• ACM MP40: £100 – AH (Various Suppliers)
• Tanaka K98 Rifle: £400 – FS (Various Suppliers)
• WE P08 Luger Pistol: £51+ import – Cobra Airsoft HK (Various Suppliers)
• Maruzen P38 Walther Pistol: £88+ import – Cobra Airsoft HK (Various Suppliers)
• MP40 Sling: £12 – MN (EM)
• K98 Sling: £12 – MN (EM)
• P08 Holster: £25 – MN (EM)
• P38 Holster: £25 – MN (EM)
• Fallschirmjäger K98 Bandoleer: £20 – MN (EM)
All prices are approximate. Also try Militaria Fairs – they can contain some real bargains. Many of the items pictured were bought at Militaria fairs. Where no retailer is mentioned in the list above its best to try buy at a fair.
Reference to using as a supplier is based on personal experience and knowledge that the supplier deals with Living history re-enactors, so the quality of products is high.
Suppliers used are based on a mixture of actual low costs or dealers that I have bought items from. You can buy all items from various suppliers, but level of quality of product can vary.
If in doubt, just ask in the forum – there is a wealth of knowledge within the CiA members.
Key to retailers
MN Militaria-Net (UK)
EM Epic Militaria
RAU Richard A Underwood (UK)
ZP Zeltplane_Com (eBay) (GER)
SH Spearhead (eBay) (HK/Singapore)
SoF Soldier of Fortune (UK)
RS Regalia Specialist (UK)
AH Action Hobbys (UK)
FS Fire Support