Now just go and buy the book. See if Wladek will order it for you, he sells books (shameless plug for you there Craig). -- attachment is not avai...
And a couple more... -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
You can always find time to relax... -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
Quite a bit "After the fact" but I eventually had the film I shot at Gothic developed and printed to disc. Here are some of the Germans... ...
Saturday Briefing... -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
Saturday.... -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
A couple of pics from Friday -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available --
I dont think you can "legally" buy powder without the proper paperwork , but it was possible (I have not tried for many years) to buy magici...
Great pics Jonah, I must say that the one of me is a corker , and I may pop it up elsewhere (witha photo credit/ link to your website) OOH,...
Great pics Jonah, I must say that the one of me is a corker , and I may pop it up elsewhere (witha photo credit/ link to your website)
I took my 1911 as my main weapon, with my Thompson strapped to the wing of the GMC. I ended up carrying the Thompson too as my roles emphasis chaged t...
True there Mate, He's got the build to wield one of those without any trouble (last time I picked Dougs up in anger, I leaned out from my bit cover t...
I will eventually get around to making a (LARP) foam generic "Rangefinder" around my little Rolleii point and shoot digital and put it in th...
Bear's Automatic Rifle Beer's All Reet
I was playing at "Combat Cameraman" at Gothic with the American forces, the shots I got in game were all either in between fire fights or fr...
this game has huge numbers ,cant wait. The site is massive..... It could handle twice the number of players
I will probably be going as a US Combat Photographer and shooting with my old Olympus Trip (Hopefully by then in a Leica "rangefinder" leath...