Hi, how much with postage for the flat finish G43 ammo pouch? Cheers. Say tenner?
how much for fg42 grey bandoleer? ty Let it go for 20 pounds with base postage if you require better service it will be more.
How much for the FG42 camo bandolier including postage? looking for offers please mate as a bit off the pulse about what the cost would be normally.
Yes mate I have still got it and other stuff too. Will update tonight.
Just a quick one regards uniform choices. Will there be guidelines for each of the booking options? Just that being on a health kick has meant none o...
Sorry but I don't think Theatre has anything to do with it. Its players willingness that's the big problem. You can just look at the turn out for t...
Right seen as I have been off for a year to do some other stuff I thought I would give maybe an outsider who knows viewpoint (don't take that as cock...
Sorry but this thread .. just wow.
Sorry mate just want to clarify. You made modifications to the gun yourself by replacing parts? Or were the parts replaced by a Zero tech? Sorry I ...
Yes Martin, If you do want to pursue here are the details: Mark Midland Airsoft Wargames 1midaw@gmail.com 07793404346 I will hopefully be back b...
Guys have got a bit of an issue. To be honest the start of this year has not been too good but it has left me with a bit of a burnt out feeling at a l...
yes buddy.
Yeah I will try and get us on as early as is good for everyone.
March 5th is available for walk round, they have game on 6th so will be on site sorting on the Saturday. Can everyone confirm yes and I will get back ...