Honorable Member
Joined: Nov 21, 2013
Topics: 18 / Replies: 559
Re: Bookings

Sorry folks, going to have to drop out - something important has come up . If anyone is after a place in the mighty 736th drop me a line and you can h...

6 years ago
Re: Bookings

Payment sent for team boxhead. 736th please None will outmatch us for sheer ineptitude!

6 years ago
Re: Webley fps downgrade

If you buy the 'power down' shells for the Dan Wesson series you can remove the brass restrictor from them and put them in the Webley shells, works j...

6 years ago
Re: Kit Lending

I know it’s last minute, but... Can anyone lend me a hat & PPSh magazine pouch (sticks or drums) Pretty please I can bring anything British com...

6 years ago
Re: Urgent Russian Kit

Can't help there then, sorry

6 years ago
Re: Still Room for Japanese 🙂

Mate, better open another Japanese slot I won't be there

6 years ago
Re: Kit Lending

All manner of Soviet field gear I can lend out; belt, mag pouches, gasmask bag, also 32" waist trousers and puttees for low boots or size 9 jackb...

6 years ago
Re: Buying from Evike

I want to buy one of those WinGun M44 Carbines in 6mm for a project but I'm not sure if I could have it sent from evike to the UK. Would anyone be abl...

7 years ago
Re: Hiki Shop

Yeah, never had any problems with Hiki, useless on updates though, I heard nothing at all until my parcel turned up totally unannounced one day

7 years ago
Re: Weaponry at Tarawa

How many grenades per life? Battles at Eversley can devolve into burying each other in explodey things pretty quick. the rules state 1. Combat ...

7 years ago
Re: Weaponry at Tarawa

How many grenades per life? Battles at Eversley can devolve into burying each other in explodey things pretty quick.

7 years ago
Re: Bookings now open

Yes please mate. Could you put me down for IJA squad 3 please, deposit should be there now.

7 years ago
Re: Bookings

Deposit sent for 1x Japanese place, Ideally I'd like to be with the Alte Hasen but I'm happy to be chucked in with whichever squad needs an extra body...

7 years ago
Re: Bookings

Deposit sent for 1x Japanese place, Ideally I'd like to be with the Alte Hasen but I'm happy to be chucked in with whichever squad needs an extra body

7 years ago
Re: Eyup From Yorkshire 🙂

Welcome to the forums, hopefully you find the info you're looking for and with luck we'll see you at a game

7 years ago
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