Is there another plan/ chance for refund for those who are currently in Tier 4 areas and will most likely be unable to attend? As this currently effec...
Money sent for the German spot First Fireball Game! (Hopefully)
A few photos from Saturday!-- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available --
Absolutely loved it! Especially the rainy bit Thank you both for an amazing day and just in time for lockdown 2! I'll find a way to post some ...
Need an excuse to get back into the sport . I'll jump on Ze Germans if that's still available! Edit - Money sent! But i forgot to put my username on...
Any quarrels with a Frenchie tagging along for the British Airborne? (Using French kit
I'll send my monies on Payday. One for the VolksGrenadiers though. Can bring a support weapon if its needed!
May have a friend joining the brits, would it be possible to save a space and he'll confirm asap?
Will have to miss this one, only have a MP40. I can lend my SMLE if you want, or someone will have bolties. Or if its the AGM MP40 with single shot...
Where's this match being held? I can't seem to find the site details :')
One for the Brits please, although, I may be sourcing a French uniform. Would that be o.k.?
Will there be space for the French to be fighting in this? I hope so, I’m expecting a low turn out because a lot of people my not feel it’s for them...
Will there be space for the French to be fighting in this?
Transferred a deposit from a cancelled gunman game to this one, so will be there on Saturday as Heer infantry (Will be bringing an MG42, if its neede...
Unfortunately, I can't make this game now due to changes in family commitments :'(
After much delay, I'm putting together an Italian Impression. But finding kit or even details of their kit is easier said than done. Managed to get ...
Can you add me to the Volks-Grenadiers? I will also be bringing an MG42, if the game allows
I'll be there, Get to actually use my gebirgs jacket for a game .
Ordered an Italian M40 jacket. Something inspiring about Mountain troops, might have to get me a Baretta M38 or Carcano rifle now
Very Tempted, are these still for sale?