Would it be possible to be put down for the 10th U boat flotilla, and I will send the money within the next few days? As i dont get paid until then.
Hey, sorry I have kind of been out the loop on the forum lately due to hospital stuff, I get paid on the 15th so can pay in full then to cover my spot...
I have had a load of bad luck lately with family sickness, quite sick to death of hospitals at the moment, but i will try my very best to attend this ...
Thanks for all the reply's, Well I figured I could get away with my German trousers, how about jackboots?! I recently got a nice cheap pair from Finl...
Oh crap I was convinced I had booked a place for this game but looking at tge list I appear not to, if any more German spots open up please put me dow...
At that price I just couldn't resist, so ordered so today
I was also debating getting some of these, but are they any good for a German impression??? at a glance other than the hobnails they seem to look the ...
Hello and welcome to the forum
Ordered the last few bits I needed for my DAK kit today..........urr just in Tim for summer to end doh
Ribbon looks good, silly question but where is the code? Thanks John
Many thanks to the 34th for a fantastic day (sadly i was only there for the Saturday, but as my body is still killing me today that's probably a good ...
Thanks, no problem