Sale completed. Thanks for looking.
Noted. Will put a post up after the transaction. Thanks for looking
Provisionally sold. Will update after tomorrow's encounter.
Fantastic, I love it
Forgot I had the Tanaka HP pistol Yith I have a German grenade case that I have used once - for storing homemade labeled cans and bottles. Got an RA...
SOLD - Pending Funds. Will lock once completed.
Excellent 'find'
The 2 chest drains have been removed. Need another xray to double check no damage, leaks or infection. Hopefully discharged Monday
Thanks again for ur comments. I have my laptop so have a few movies now
Thanks chaps. Surgery went well, 800mlvof pus removed from the abscess in my chest. Being kept in for 7 days - lots of antibiotics and observation.
Pneumonia with abscess in right lung. Any Stalingrad games? LOL. Thankfully surgery in the morning
Excellent effort - as always !!
Good News !!
Still not found it yet
if anyone has a madbull rg108 rifle grenade could they please do some measurements for me, cheers. I have one, um somewhere - I'll have a hunt for it...