Here's a pic of us at our last Polish outing so long ago. 'sigh' good times....good times. -- attachment is not available -- Now I'm off to get my k...
I know you've already bought the beret, but i would have advised against going with a modern one as they are smaller in dimensions to their predecesso...
Booked. I more for the polish.
If people get lots on the way to the site you may us this number to contact us, bad with any luck we'll be able to guide you in. 07572839707
ITEM: DAK shorts SOLD CONDITION: new SIZE: 30' waist SWAPS: no SPLITS: no COST: £10.00 LOCATION: Huddersfield DELIVERY METHOD: post, collect DELIVERY...
Yes, I'll pass it back to you then.
First of all I want to say a very big thank you to everyone who came. Your level of enthusiasm for the game was outstanding which was clearly shown in...
A damn fine weekend gentlemen, damn fine! I have to say, it's been along time since I've enjoyed myself that much. And now as I type this I fined mys...
30th? 21st surely? Oh you. But on a serious note, I'll be their for both nights. Plus 1 pipe.
The rest of my payment sent.
You know I am sure I saw a 3rd Div badge in my field desk, but why would I have one already? You do because it's mine. AH HA! That explains that the...
Oh you know I'm down with that. Awesome film footage find BTW.
Put me down for the Commandos please. Time to get a new beret.
Hi Chris Please could you put 2 more down for American Generic. Lipton-Infantry Wladek-Infantry Pennies on their way.
Arrh. Sorry about that. My blood pressure has been getting higher and higher as I've read through the forum today. Then I read this post and just s...