Last seen: Aug 29, 2023
Sent through the Post Office, might come through parcel force.
Hi Gordon, It’s in the post, tracking no.NE9479795GB, should get to you tomorrow or Thursday, thanks.
The first “ Gurt” is finished, not an exact copy, but close enough, will be making another two, later on. I’ll not make anymore unless I can find a ch...
I have three vsr conversion no.4 Enfields left from my build run, so if anyone is interested, send me a message. I’m also on Frontline events on disco...
Started on the “gurt” cut steel for the first one, have a weld up tomorrow, can’t find any match for the top bar catch, so I’ll have to make one, not ...
Moved up a bit on the Lewis build, I think I’ve sussed a mechanical way of making the drum turn, now just have to build a working prototype.
I’ve actually made 26 of these, and the run comes to an end this week. Most were asked for on listing, but a few have dropped out because I took too l...
I’ll be starting the build on these, next week. Just about finished on the Enfield saga, took too long in doing them. Hopefully these carries won’t be...
I should have a couple of these made by May, coming to the end of the Enfield’s, once they are out of the way, I’ll be on these asap, with some other ...
Coming to the end of the Enfield no.4 run, a long way behind in production times, thanks to Covid and real life getting in the way, when finished I wi...
Three finished, only 9 more to do,
Just an update, made the cyl/bolt extensions for all of the remaining Enfield builds, hopefully will be finishing these off in pairs in the next few w...
Hooray! Back on site! Bought this mag to copy, as I wasn’t too happy with the other one, it still may be useful, but this one has great detail, as soo...
Three more Enfields, freshly fitted with receivers, the other four are MAS36 on a rush order.
Here’s a pic of the ongoing Enfields builds, 8 butt stock plates, made and fitted,