But do you have the bling? You most have the bling sir.
FAL..... What would you want one of them for. You need a SLR....L1A1. Semi only.
Dam, How did you find out about my plans for the fire? I'd have got away with it if it was not for the pesky kids.
very nice.
Looks like its all to Gadges place for night out on the town then.
What about four pocket tunics dude?
Always do to see new recuits, even if they are SS.. Looking forward to the next fight.
Its a great shot dude, well done.
What more can be said. Dam fine event, glad I could make it. Did feel a bit odd shooting at Fallschirmjager. Great to see so many FJ in one pla...
The SLR is sweet, had mine about three weeks now. Looking forward to seeing a section of brits all with L1A1's.
Not a list for the likes of me dude...................
Rolling in the mud, just don't rip them. As to getting them to you. How about I bring them with me.....
Now theres a threat......
Mine are a bit bigger but with the aid of a belt you should be ok and are welcome to use them.
East midlands airport is not far away. I'm sure we could get you picked up from there if that helps.