Eminent Member
Joined: Jun 11, 2013
Last seen: Jan 12, 2021
Topics: 2 / Replies: 43
Re: AGM Sten

I am interested in this and have sent a pm

7 years ago
Re: Bookings

Can you put me down for German FJ div please. Sending payment now.

7 years ago
Re: Another great day....

I had a great day engaged every allied squad except the Brits who kept running away. Our supply run with all 3 zugs was the most successful mission o...

8 years ago
Re: Bookings : Now Open

I'm getting a complex now

9 years ago
Re: Star Wars !!! ok just wargaming but Star Wars

Would of been even better if our rules guru had known the rules......

10 years ago
Re: Booking thread

I have paid in full now for US side

10 years ago
Re: Bookings

Now paid in full, thanks to chris for reminding me

10 years ago
Re: Booking thread

Can I pay a deposit? If so how much, I don't want too much airSOFT outgoings showing up on my PayPal account!

10 years ago
Re: Thanks

Had a great day, apart from being dragged through the mud by my own team! But that was after the game. Thought the demo charge blowing up the truck ...

10 years ago
Re: Booking thread

As a member of the 34th I would like to be on the U.S. side please. I am short of funds this month. Can I pay in April?

10 years ago
Re: After action report

I would prefer the number of snipers to be limited to one per section next time, we did receive a lot of painful face hits, it was the bloodiest game ...

10 years ago
Re: After action report

Those hand made grenades are impressive. We need an hand cart per side to lug all our gear around, I am so tired now.

10 years ago
Re: After action report

Thanks for a great day, really liked the battle for the farm. I have never used so many grenades. Would of liked a 30 mins break to recover from all t...

10 years ago
Re: The Battle of Stavelot December 1944: 70th anniversary g

I have just paid for the U.S side, will be bringing plenty of grenades.

10 years ago
Re: The Battle of Stavelot December 1944: 70th anniversary g

I will be sorting my payment out this weekend, I am one of the 5 Cuff mentioned. With GDog aka Glenda around we don't need Germans to kill us.

10 years ago
Re: Calore River : Booking

Can you put me down as a German please, I have also recruited Tony, Clive and GED for the same squad. Can I pay when I see you next?

10 years ago
Re: Operation Benevento - BOOKING

Can you put me down for Zug 3 please with tony, GED and Clive, will ask my cousin Rich, so he is a maybe.

10 years ago
Re: Weapons of the red army

I will be using my nagant rifle and will take my garand as a backup

10 years ago
Re: Oi! 34th....and other site operators.

This discussion started with a request for the 34th and other organisers to get their player base to look at the other games going on on this site. B...

11 years ago
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