Last seen: Jan 24, 2024
@sgt-heide Speshul days , speshul peoples , cracking dits !!
Chommer's broke the forum .....after 14 years .......... 🤣
Yes the "bridge" is still there and also the woods deep in the end of the valley where the road loops around - often a base camp and where we played t...
Wow they had colour film back then ??
Also Gratis for Free n Otherwise , a link to my online album of pics taken from those events , sadly in somewhat of a random order , but I guess if yo...
Feck me good job I logged in randomly !
Hey Chommers, this is my random post to keep up my login curent Interesting reading how time has moved on so quickly, 10 years since "A clash...
Sometimes boys you just need to stop flogging that dead horse..... It was fun because it was new, and was populated by people who became mates , and ...
£60 , last offer
andsold , will get posted Thursday now as I'm away for work , cheers
Price dropped to £95 , needs to go .
cheers , stuff will get posted tomorrow !