Reputable Member
Joined: Nov 2, 2007
Topics: 28 / Replies: 442
Re: German kit for sale

Hi, apologies to all for the lack of response. I have been away with work and could not access the forum.

12 years ago
Re: Event postponed

OK Wladek, keep thinking and if it looks like at worst crash a normal airsoft day in proper kit, confirm we hold the date as I am cabin fevered after ...

12 years ago
Re: Event postponed

Oh NO! I can't belive it. First game for me in years, I got clearance from high command and logged on to book my place!!!! AAAARGHHH Really sorry for...

12 years ago
Re: German kit for sale

Can't believe no one wants a tropic uniform with a Crete game on the horizon!

12 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 2281
Re: Registering Interest

Hi, I'm coming out of retirement (well trying to) and am trying to organise attending this so put me down as German please. Gavin

12 years ago
Re: has there ever been a bolt action only game

Hi, a mainly rifle game would be great and many games have almost got there. Ariel for example! Regarding the sub 350 fps thing and lots of sub machi...

13 years ago
Re: So - Who WON'T You Portray?

Hi, no axe to grind as this is just a game so any except that I refuse to buy more kit until I wear some of it out playing! I wanted to do Brit just ...

13 years ago
Re: Vehicles

Hi, I am about to book on as GD and, if OK, will bring the 'wooden wonder' (if I get the MOT and tax on it and it doesn't look like very heavy rain al...

13 years ago
Re: British Loadout

Hi, I'll have the gaiters and helmet if they are still available?

14 years ago
Re: Full British Loadout - Testing the water

Hey guys, Am considering flogging my entire Brit loadout as I need funds more than kit right now. So just looking to see what the interest level wou...

14 years ago
Re: Longest range bolt action rifle kill

I got great long range hits at Dragoon Rising. It was at least 50 to 60 m through trees, maybe a little more. I shot one guy he dropped, I could belie...

14 years ago
Re: So, what do people want from an event, these days?

Here's my contribution: 1. 24hr or day - time of year has a big impact on this IMHO but a day game with an optional pre-night camp seems the best bet...

14 years ago
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