Well thats good news
I have found references made to the use of Persitol as a waterproofing agent. One by Michael D.Beaver who you might know from his work on Recording u...
Then it's a bargain at £60. Janke are quality
Who made it? Not aware of anyone in Germany making oak parkas.
They clearly have no understanding of whats going on. AFRA does not offer a license. They dont know what they are talking about.
Original zelt were treated for water repelance. It's mentioned in the manual H.Dv 205/1 as being some kind of soap mix. I don't have the manual to han...
If you have long arms try to get a Sturm/Miltec made M36. They are famous for having longish sleeves. Not sure who has them these days, try Richard A ...
This is the stock colour on mine.
No, not at all common. The picture you will most likely have seen is of the one chap, Capt. Killick of the FSS. There are a few pics of him with that ...
ATF have been saying this for ages but thats a very good, clear link.
The green plastic ones are less work and better camo....
Fotos of Sumpfmuster smocks in use on Normandy D-day and D-day + are not unusual. The 21st Panzer Div had units on maneuver who had been issued smocks...
I dont think they were universal anyway. You'll be fine with a MkIII. I have the straps and pouch if you ever want pics.
If you want to get into the nitty gritty, the Aussies also produced cross straps with a wider shoulder relief part to go with the larger pouches. Both...
Is a slouch hat suitable for an early impression with KD uniform? I thought the British were late adopters of the slouch?
Closer than most Urals et al you see around?
It looks busy but not overdone. You will lose some if playing in woodland or shrubbery.
Tied, woven and both are possibles. Tuck the net in but dont worry if it falls down. It all serves to break up the shape, thats what scrim and nets ar...