Last seen: May 7, 2021
Hi Woody it sure is. I'll pm you
Sorry pictures added now-- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available -- -- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not avai...
Very tempted thanks but need something I can use in a upcoming ww1 game. Thanks though
Also interested in a m1918 bar, g&please mk23 stoner, or metal bodied m16 trades wise.
sounds like you all had a great time. sorry I couldnt make it but alas was in france. long story I'll have to tell you some other time and dont worry...
thats because no one gave a shit about kavster so either side tended to just execute him
might need to modify that date as CiA have a game planned for november currently, and most of us cant afford the time/cash to do 2 in a month. good sh...
I'd come back early next year. tied up til then