Last seen: Jan 11, 2023
Still available
Just watch where you lay your head! Ze Germans may have .. ed in the trench!
Hi, So how many allied/axis for event at present? I'm defo trying to get on this! Can't decide to go airbourne or infantry??
Hi, Thinking of going along to my first game in 3 yrs! (last game was in Drakelow tunnels as a ruskie (CIA)) just out of interest is anybody going d...
Fantastic! i want to play again, Borzyn Part 2!!!!
Amazing!!! I loved every minute, I'm glad we had a chance to play there before they light the whole place up. The atmosphere was amazing. Thank you to...
ohh,ohoohohohooohohhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuggghhhhhhh...no, it's too late.........i've just 10nd!!!!!
Cheque in post today HS (28.10.09) Cheers for reserving a place for me
I want one of those!!!! paying on th 28th/29th when i get paid
Will be coming as russian, but waiting till end of month (oct) for pay to come through
Count me in comrade