Operation Calore River

[box_dark]After the fall of Avellino the 133rd Infantry moved along the Calore River heading towards Benevento. They are frozen and soaked to the bone from the wind and the rain but the orders are to press on, but its not long before they encounter strong German resistance who are planting booby traps and trying to stall the allied advance.[/box_dark]

Our first of 2 games in 2015 carries on our Italian campaign.

A 34th infantry game held at
Fireball Squadron Airsoft Club (and parts of the npf)
Trickley Coppice
London Road
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
B75 5SA

Price is £25 for the day, a deposit of £15 secures your place. Places are limited to 32 per side, but this may be slightly increased if the sides are even.

More information and booking: http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=271