I'd rather get back to what this thread was for. Developing a list of people who want to play their games a certain way. Debates about organisers, whose game does what and when, and any other political debates are for another time and place. We had roughly 25 enthusiastic responses before we side tracked. Is it possible to clean the thread up, please? Just so we have a clear picture of who's on board. Thanks
You can have your own section which you admin (or anyone else you choose) - you invite people to join or ask them to invite themselves to the special interest group. You are all free to discuss whatever you like, how you like, on multiple threads within that section.
I second this. The thread was not supposed to be a discussion but showing your interest which started promising.
If it makes life easier and allows people to declare their interest, then that's fine. Thanks
So here is a new forum section for you: viewforum.php?f=261
You are currently admin. Every forum user can see the contents of the section but only those you register will be able to post. This will free you from random postings and ensure an undiluted engagement (and also prevent accusations that the forum has gone elitist and only 'likes' hard core red squirrel immersive games).
You can add people yourself via your user control panel > Options > Usergroups > Manage groups > and then on the right you will see Edit members. And you can promote anyone you like to join you as admin.
Anyone can request access themselves by clicking here: memberlist.php?mode=group&g=768 and you just need to approve the request.
I won't be joining so as not to piss you off further but all and sundry are invited to express an interest and join in with pvtjonny's idea and push things further.
Thanks CW.
Guys I've started us off in the ww2 airsoft experience group and added you to the group. If I've missed anyone or if anyone else wants to join, please just stick in a request
Please help by taking some ownership of this group and contribute where you can.
Well, now the original part of the post has been migrated somewhere else, can I seriously ask what the actual point of it all is, and possibly have a bit of a discussion about it?
The list of people interested is basically all players who already attend events. It just seems like a case of preaching to the converted, and with the best will in the world, I can't see what it will achieve. What we need is new converts, not another list of existing attendees.
Saying 'I'm interested in an event of some non-disclosed description at a theoretical point in the future' is all well and good, but it all depends on the game specifics as to whether I (or anyone else) is actually going to attend. If it's US only, I'm out. If it's Russians, I'm out. If it's on a weekend I'm doing something else, I'm out. And I'm sure everyone else on that list has a bunch of similar caveats.
As an organiser, I'm afraid it doesn't help one jot. I already know there are people out there that are interested in attending events. What there aren't is enough of them free or interested on each particular weekend.
Count me in for this
... can I seriously ask what the actual point of it all is, and possibly have a bit of a discussion about it?
Saying 'I'm interested in an event of some non-disclosed description at a theoretical point in the future' is all well and good, but it all depends on the game specifics as to whether I (or anyone else) is actually going to attend. If it's US only, I'm out. If it's Russians, I'm out. If it's on a weekend I'm doing something else, I'm out. And I'm sure everyone else on that list has a bunch of similar caveats.
I'll be perfectly honest here. I've been there, done that, and got burnt out a bit. I've not bought a piece of ww2 kit in probably three years now. Unless I'm working it, as I have done with some GMA games, it takes a very special ww2 game these days to get my attention, and being honest, only Hut 9...
This thread is probably for those slightly more positive about and still committed to WW2 airsoft and prepared to attend even if they are not in command and their friends aren't going.
I have a small skewer hidden in the collar of my jumping jacket, and a razorblade in my gaiter, as well as my knife.
This thread is probably for those slightly more positive about and still committed to WW2 airsoft and prepared to attend even if they are not in command and their friends aren't going.
Fair enough, I'll leave you all to it. Cheers for the discussion.
As this thread is back on track, I would always make more time for a more involved game. I would be happy to help out anyway I can. Though I haven't been able to make the games that got cancelled, it really saddened me to see. Also slightly worries me that organisers aren't going to make the effort any longer, and that the games I have got leave for are going to be cancelled too.
So add me to the list!
Also slightly worries me that organisers aren't going to make the effort any longer.
That 100% is not the case, keep the faith! And recruit some chums into WW2 airsoft, it is in everyone's interest to do a bit of networking. (Gah, I can't believe I use the word networking. )
Ok whats all this then?
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Ok whats all this then?
Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk
Apparently it`s something to do with this Marsha http://www.ww2airsoft.org.uk/php/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=261
Stick me down as well please.
Also slightly worries me that organisers aren't going to make the effort any longer.
That 100% is not the case, keep the faith! And recruit some chums into WW2 airsoft, it is in everyone's interest to do a bit of networking. (Gah, I can't believe I use the word networking.
I'm trying! Last time I went to a open day, there were a few lads there in sort of ww2 kit, persuading them to give it a go. Apparently bundling them into a van unsuspecting and taking them to a kit is "too far" according to the mrs ......
And thats great too hear, I just hope that people book onto the games that are left!
And thats great too hear, I just hope that people book onto the games that are left!
Hut 9 is there waiting for bookings and is probably the most immersive game this year. There are hardly any Germans booked on, possibly the easiest, and most immersive, role in the game. No uniform needed!
So after people spend ages and loads of money getting their German kit together, buying / building their guns, you want them to leave it all at home and call it immersive, yet wonder why no one wants to book in.?
Ah, you haven't read game posts Jimbo. Or seem to understand that not everyone wants the lowest common denominator or that 'immersion' doesn't mean shooting the crap out of people or indeed that players shouldn't necessarily have to spend oodles of cash to buy kit or that some organisers push the boundaries, sometimes a bit too far. That's fine, horses for courses, something for everyone out there for everyone and you get the players for your games, so that is good isn't it?
The way I see it, it's all very well running the games you want to play, however if no one wants to play that game what is the point? Surely is it not better to put on a game that people want to play?
I've sat and watched three games cancel recently and this place erupt into accusations of squirrelism, immersion and bemoaning the fact that it's all too dumbed down for some peoples tastes, yet there are hundreds of people across the country with thousands of pounds worth of kit and guns that get used maybe once or twice a year, yet the events seem to whittle down the numbers of people that can attend. Please don't get me wrong to each their own and I'm not having a pop at anyone for running different types of event, but if you're not getting the bookings in shouldn't you ask yourself the question why?
These are just my humble opinions but for the sake of free speech I thought I'd voice them. I've had games cancel because people haven't booked in but then gone over the reasons why afterwards.