As it says Commandos Chat away
So, what impressions are you guys going for?
I'm thinking of going fairly basic with BD, a bergen, a belt with a holster and magazine pouch and a cap comforter. I imagine a small raid in close quarters wouldn't have called much for loads of kit and I know the Commandos stuck to the essentials.
Dave and I will be going basic commando!
Full denims, face veil scarf, DMS boots and gaiters, Cap comforter and basic 37 pattern webbing.
Basically... ... -1-32.html
'Non adepto demens. Adepto etiam'
War does not show who is right, only who is left..
Going for the classic jumper look seeing as this game is early war.
Probably just basic BDs or denims.
Would a tan or green wind proof smock work?
Possibly, maybe a bit much for an indoor "raid". They're more of a mountain bit of kit.
Btw, where can you get a green smock from?
S&S and do green ones.
Might just use a Denison,wouldn't mind a jumper but can't find one with. 50" chest.
SOF do the standard v neck jumpers in a 48"+ if that any help? ... duct,20021
Yeah looked at those,might have to pop in next time I'm in the area.
I have one and they really are nice, very good quality wool.
What're people going with weapons wise?
I'll be using an M1911A1 and a rubber commando dagger from SOF.
What're people going with weapons wise?
I'll be using an M1911A1 and a rubber commando dagger from SOF.
Suppressed Sten, Welrod and Fairbairn Sykes Knife.
As a commander I'm going to try and go for this as an impression.
I fully intend at some point of the game to attempt to fry a pan of sausages so I can proudly declare Snorkers!
As a commander I'm going to try and go for this as an impression.
Got the hat if you need one.
As a commander I'm going to try and go for this as an impression.
I think I have a genuine convoy coat like this, If I still do you're welcome to borrow it!
Just ordered the cap from SoF and I've got a duffel coat I bought off Josh which looks very similar so I think I'll get away with it, thanks for the offer though chaps.
Will be wearing BD uniform and fighting order webbing,
Sten or no.4 (yet to decide) and commando knife
Why would anyone bother with half a million sheep and some seaweed?
1911 and an FS for me as well.