Massive thanks to Da Boyz for organising another cracking day out, Extra merit points to Martin Ryley for the loan of Mags and Garand when my M1 turned into a Psychopath weapon and starting railing out at 400+ fps! Sportsmanship points to all involved as WW2 games are the only ones where Marshals are never needed. Kuff and Justin cheers for catering to the masses. And special mention to the German trooper who made a point of congratulating me on a particularly good head shot to his Lid! (You brought a little tear of joy to my eye...)
Your Welcome!
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
I am proud but i know what goes around comes around and repayment is coming at a future date. It is is my destiny...
GDog said
I am proud but i know what goes around comes around and repayment is coming at a future date. It is is my destiny...
Well don't look now but here I am with a few pals waiting to sneak up behind you.
Here I come! . . . . . and if I don't get ya my trusty trumpeter "Bob" will sort you out.
All the best . . . . . until the next time.
Hitler was a better dancer than Churchill, he was a better skater than Churchill . . .
If i saw that lot hoofing towards me i would have to question my sanity! Mind you that wouldn't take more than 1.3 seconds...
Then you would see the fastest retre...(cough) fall back to assess situation on record. But again many thanks to you and yours for making it another awesome day. look forward to Round 2. (if you leave the Pikes and Horses at home...)