Yes I noticed it, if the lotto had come up I would have given them a call by now
It's very familiar to some of us who have reenacted with her and those that attended the CiA "Boryszyn Loop" game and fought alongside or against it. Price now reduced!
Blimey, didn't think I'd see that again! It features prominently in the Boryszyn Loop vid.
I wonder how the police obtained it???
I wonder how the police obtained it???
That's a story best left untold on this forum.
When I want your opinion - I'll tell you what it is!
I wonder how the police obtained it???
That's a story best left untold on this forum.
Err, yes, indeed.
I am now a lot more curious...
That's a bargain it was £8500 on Milweb and left untold. It was also at Bloody Gulch I think too!
Show me a man who will jump out of an airplane, and I'll show you a man who will fight!
General James M. Gavin
Les than 20 mins to go! I wonder if leicester police will check the buyer's defence under the VCRA to buy the big feck off RIF attached to the top?
£5,200 seems a bargain - I can't remember how much the 222 cost to buy originally now. Hope the chap knew what he was buying - his past purchases this month have been diecast vehicles, misc. collectables and jumpers and cardigans!
The troop carrier is for sale too but not by the old bill.
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£5,200 seems a bargain - I can't remember how much the 222 cost to buy originally now. Hope the chap knew what he was buying - his past purchases this month have been diecast vehicles, misc. collectables and jumpers and cardigans!
He'll get one hell of a shock if he tries to put it in a display cabinet.
Found this while looking for something else: ... 3ccdfef54a
Good for anyone making a SMLE. The same seller has more than one, and some other SMLE bits too.
Not 100% sure if it's him, but I also saw piling swivels on ebay today.
Not sure if anyones posted this one but I came across this
Not sure if anyones posted this one but I came across this
Miltec made Pea Dot, with only 4 of the 5 paint-colors.
I compared a Gavin Militaria Pea Dot with my Miltec Pea Dot and they differ quiet a lot. Gavin's is much greener then the Miltec one, which is more 'kahki' colored.
This is a Gavin Militaria one (pictures made with a flash, so colors are a bit less 'green');
The actual shade of the colours is not all that important, there was such a wide variety of colours used when printing the pea dot it allows a wide range of possibilities. A quick scan of any book covering Waffen SS camo will show a range of colours and dominant shades from pink through brown to grey.
What is important is that there are 5 shades used in the print and the peas tend to run up and down the uniform. Miltec/Sturm only use 4. Gavins print is actually rather good, as is the cut and the cloth used. Its by far the best in its price range, avoid the Ant-Z version there are many issues with each of the examples he made.
SMWholesale and ATF make great versions at the top end of the market.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
From the same seller these would be more use to anyone starting German airsoft; ... 51a48ada31
Easier to sell on if you dont stay in the hobby than some incorrect pea suit.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "
I know it might not be correct but still it's airsoft and if anyone wants a cheapish set of dot44s and not to fussed about getting every little detail correct then they might be for you
Or spend 30Pound more and get something that is correct and not a waste of money
Choices, choices...
Or spend 30Pound more and get something that is correct and not a waste of money
Only £15 more for the wools, you will save that when you sell it on.
aka Stigroadie
better by design
"Truth is a shining goddess, always veiled, always distant, never wholly approachable, but worthy of all the devotion of which the human spirit is capable. "