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The merits and demerits of full face masks - a debate

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Greenback was a learning curve, aswell as being bloodly brilliant. I did take my half mask off after 20 or so mins, as I felt I didn't need it. I kept it close in hand incase I wanted it.
I do think now that Filmsim/ Airsoft Re-enactments don't necessarily require me to wear full face protection however there was one time at Greenback I did think "I'm gonna get shot in the gob", luckly I didn't

As has been said already it's about personal choose, some people will find sense in fully protecting there face, some people don't. I don't expect people to change there opinion to match my own, just ask that they respect my choose to as I respect there

this hobby needs new blood like these lads.

Gonna need us young en's to run back to command :rofl:


Posted : 21/08/2012 12:53 am
Posts: 766
Prominent Member

On the topic of new blood for the hobby ive known a few people who have been put off airsoft because of attitudes of a minority of older players who just seem to want things thier own way, and to be honest i have been on the recieving end of these attitudes a couple of times on a couple of forums, on one forum it was a minor incident regarding two tones and on the other forum there was a general anti under-18 attitude.what im basically trying to get at here is that attitudes like this are scaring some younger players off.And to be honest if i was just starting out in this hobby and i read this topic i would start to think that maybe this hobby isnt for me, where in the reality its only a minority that hold these repelling attitudes and most people young and old who i have spoke with have been helpful and welcoming, and without these people i feel that this hobby would see a great fall in numbers of participants, i know this post doesnt really have much relevance to this topic but i feel it was something that had to be said. :good:

Posted : 21/08/2012 2:25 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin
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Or you could look at the other way (but you won't :wink: ) and say the youngsters just seem to want things their own way and hold their own repelling attitudes. :lol:

What many seem to forget is that players are invited to attend other people's games, as Craig has pointed out. And, with the exception of Gunman's games which are commercial ventures, are all organised by people freely giving their own time to organise games they want to run. Hell, even Josh candidly says he only tolerates full face masks because he would lose players otherwise.

And don't forget that NONE of this thread applies to minors who have site rules thrust upon them regardless of game rules, hence can happily disregard all of this discussion.

Posted : 21/08/2012 2:55 pm
Posts: 766
Prominent Member

I didnt say that all adults want their own way i said a small minority, you said that 'the youngsters' which implies all of us want our own way, and i will admit that some most definately do (but theyre usually the spoilt little brats who have got their own way since they were born) but im talking about youngsters like me who came to the more historical side of airsoft to escape from those types, because theyre usaully into the more modern side of things.I do accept that as an adult you may think that some of us youngsters always want our own way, but theres a big difference between a hormonal 14 year old, and a fully grown 40 year old man throwing a strop because they want theyre own way, isnt there? :wink:
All im trying to say is that some older airsofters are behaving in a way that when it comes down to it, is sad and immature when it comes to them not getting what they want all the time, every time and its putting new people off from the hobby that we all love and hope to expand and become more accepted in society.

Posted : 21/08/2012 4:56 pm
Posts: 15632
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Gah, you are barking up the wrong tree sir. This thread has NOTHING to with youth or otherwise. Whatever axe you have to grind it doesn't belong here.

This thread is here to explore the issues surrounding the wearing of full face masks in WW2 games. As for "getting what they want all the time" I have absolutely no idea what you mean - surely if you organise a game you also make the rules to play that game?

Posted : 21/08/2012 5:11 pm
Posts: 766
Prominent Member

im not going into detail but the incident that occured on this forum was regarding the bastogne breakout event where i asked if two tones would be allowed the event organiser said yes and about three members of the forum started saying that they would not attend if two tones were allowed at the event, basically throwing a strop and making me feel as though i would not be welcome at the event if bought a two tone. They were trying to get theyre own way and it didnt work, so they went off making theyre own group for the event with all there little preferences adhered to and where there no one could 'spoil their game', if thats not throwing a strop when not getting ones own way then i dont know what is. :roll:
[EDIT] I appreciate the fact that it was not clear from the start that two tones were allowed at this event but the way the individuals acted was no way for a fully grown adult to act when they dont get theyre own way.I also apologise for derailing this thread but i felt i had to get this off my chest.

Posted : 21/08/2012 6:06 pm
Posts: 15632
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Again, nothing to do with face masks and this thread has nothing to do with minors (who fall within site/insurance remits which can't be challenged).

Posted : 21/08/2012 6:13 pm
Posts: 766
Prominent Member

I appreciate that sir and again im sorry for derailing the thread, i just felt i had to express my opinions.

Posted : 21/08/2012 6:15 pm
Posts: 15632
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No problemo. Why not start a thread elsewhere and examine the issues that concern you? I'm sure it will be of interest to others... :good:

Posted : 21/08/2012 6:19 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

im not going into detail but the incident that occured on this forum was regarding the bastogne breakout event where i asked if two tones would be allowed the event organiser said yes and about three members of the forum started saying that they would not attend if two tones were allowed at the event, basically throwing a strop and making me feel as though i would not be welcome at the event if bought a two tone. They were trying to get theyre own way and it didnt work, so they went off making theyre own group for the event with all there little preferences adhered to and where there no one could 'spoil their game', if thats not throwing a strop when not getting ones own way then i dont know what is. :roll:
[EDIT] I appreciate the fact that it was not clear from the start that two tones were allowed at this event but the way the individuals acted was no way for a fully grown adult to act when they dont get theyre own way.I also apologise for derailing this thread but i felt i had to get this off my chest.

You could always borrow something that isn't a two-tone.

Posted : 22/08/2012 9:05 am
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

Which was offered... and still is.

Posted : 22/08/2012 9:08 am
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

Heavens to Betsy...
I go away for two weeks and this thread is still rolling along :lol:

To summarise:
1. There is no suggestion of "banning" masks for WW2 airsoft. I don't know how many times that needs to be repeated (obviously a few more).
2. I dislike all masks. There, I've said it. No more sitting on the fence. That's my personal opinion and I'm entitled to it fanks very much.
3. Craig wants to run a game without them. Hooray says I, being a fan of maskless events.

That's really all there is to it. End of story. The fat lady has sung. No "slippery slope", no morality Kristallnacht.

To those who feel I have been overbearing on this, I offer my sincerest Gallic shrug.

Posted : 30/08/2012 6:46 am
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

Fecking mask Nazi.

Posted : 30/08/2012 8:53 am
Posts: 4507
Famed Member

And now I've remembered why I never replaced my old lost gum shield - keep them in for more than a minutes I start to gag, which is a bit weird. I'll persevere for a while before coming to a conclusion...

I have the same problem. It's because I have a dainty little mouth and all the cheap gumshields seem to be designed for Shrek. One solution is to have an orthodontist make one to meaure, another solution is to trim the ends back. The impact from a bb is very different from that of a contact sport blow so you don't actually need the shield to be braced by your back teeth at all. A Dick Emery style gnasher would protect just as well :good:

Posted : 30/08/2012 2:23 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

crying out loud ive lost the best part of 3 evenings trying to catch up on all the topics (beats watching CSI).
strangely enough i only started airsoft a few months ago (wont go into the history again) and I found the hardest part of the hobby was finding what face protection to wear. referring to "general" airsoft, i have tried full face, mesh, clear, mesh with scarf, face skulls everything, i think i have about 10 or more different face protections. each time they either misted up (old guys generate a lot of body heat) didnt feel comfortable, restricted vision or looked plain stupid, until findly i ended up with a pair of shooting glasses and a backup pair of mesh goggles.

the clear glass glasses are perfect until they steam up, but they usually only steam up if i am wearing a lower face protection of some sort so i scrapped all face protection and now just have glasses. this does leave me feeling a bit over exposed and concerned for my ivories, but i find the second any close quarters engagement starts i lower my chin into my chest out of reflex. in truth your teeth are only really in any danger if you are within 10 metres and get a full auto burst to the face and any good airsofter should be aiming for the chest region (heads popping over cover exempt, but then you only usually show the top of your head). i would prefer everyone to just wear glasses, especially for WW2, but if people dont play for fear of needing a dentist then they should have the right to wear what they want. having said that if an event says no face masks then people can choice to attend or not their choice.

Posted : 30/08/2012 7:55 pm
Joshua Rose
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Ahh the nievity of people who say it's "personal choice"... someone who's lost a tooth, and on a seperate occasion had to dig a bb out of my face, I no longer have personal choice, the missus tells me to wear a half mask!

Didn't bother at Volturno (and got away with it), didn't bother at Patton, caught one on the lip, and got no end of sh!t for it when I got home.

As a result I will not be attending games that don't allow face masks of some sort.

As a final question, what are the insurers views on this?

If they get wind of organisers "discouraging" the use of highly recommended safety equipment there may well be no choice in future, it may well become mandatory within the insurers terms. Just a thought for those "niche" minded players out there. ;-)

"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."

Posted : 23/09/2012 8:29 pm
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

Good luck with clarifying the legalities of insurers and airsoft!

Posted : 23/09/2012 9:10 pm
Posts: 15632
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Topic starter

Heh, 'tis true! It may well be that insurers would prefer players not to wear full face masks since the player bears responsibility for injury, not the insurer (players always told 'at your own risk').

I'm not even sure owners of home-made full face masks or non-BSI or other approved standards kit would even stand up to insurers scrutiny, keen as they are to avoid paying out. So I think insurance is a bit of a red herring - the issue is more of protecting one's teeth to avoid a possible dental bill; that is to say, taking an educated and considered evaluation of the risk in a WW2 airsoft style game of a broken tooth.

Posted : 23/09/2012 9:51 pm
Joshua Rose
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Heh, 'tis true! It may well be that insurers would prefer players not to wear full face masks since the player bears responsibility for injury, not the insurer (players always told 'at your own risk').

I'm not even sure owners of home-made full face masks or non-BSI or other approved standards kit would even stand up to insurers scrutiny, keen as they are to avoid paying out. So I think insurance is a bit of a red herring - the issue is more of protecting one's teeth to avoid a possible dental bill; that is to say, taking an educated and considered evaluation of the risk in a WW2 airsoft style game of a broken tooth.

But by "discouraging" thier use, the game organiser is accepting the onus of responsibility, not the player...

...hope they aren't too fond of thier house/other assets!

"I was fabulous, and it was a bloody good laugh."

Posted : 23/09/2012 10:06 pm
Posts: 2199
Noble Member

But by "discouraging" their use, the game organiser is accepting the onus of responsibility, not the player...

I don't think so, it's still the players choice whether they attend or not, no one has to attend an event where an organiser makes it clear he doesn't want players wearing full face masks and it's self regulating in that if no one signs up then that sort of game will dissapear from the calender

Posted : 24/09/2012 4:49 am
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