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What do you think spoils an otherwise good WW2 impression?

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I was looking at some event photo's a couple of weeks ago and saw a picture of a guy in German uniform, looked very good except for one thing-modern padded airsoft gloves. Now I must admit my son does this, I kit him out the best I can and he spoils it with these horrid gloves. Now I must admit I dont normally notice these at an event so it doesnt spoil immersion for me but they just look so out of place in the photo's.

Now as Lardy mentioned these as a pet hate on another topic I thought well at least Im not alone, but wondered what other things spoil an impression, is it long hair not tucked away? modern footwear? oversized face/eye protection? Im not talking about a complete fashion disaster (Ive had a few of those), but when someone has a really good impression and lets it down with something silly.

I know one thing I'm guilty of is putting on modern reading glasses rather than buying some period ones (I will get some this year I promise!).

So what do you think spoils a good impression?

Posted : 12/02/2014 4:42 pm
Posts: 4320
Famed Member

:shock: a risque topic!... Excellent :D.

The gloves as mentioned by Lardy, I agree and did chuckle when I read it. But other overtly modern accessories also. I have always said 'boots is boots', and I still kind of think it. If someone is wearing a German Uniform and, say, British Ammo boots or US roughouts, then, with the gaiters on, they look fine. But modern tactical boots stand out a mile, even if muddied up. Other 'accessories' like modern pistol lanyards being used, basically anything which has been added on because of it's usefulness that doesn't belong.

And, yes, facemasks. To varying degrees according to type and size. Vader ones totally spoil a game, the face-y ones only really spoil the photos.

Long hair? kind of, but not too much. I don't like to choose anything that is not an airsoft 'choice' to do - because people do live in the real world as well. I never used to cut my hair, but then a couple of pics of me in a beret with with hair 'sticking out underneath it' and I thought "That looks awful", where as Evo and McV have never stood out at all. Their hair was probably long enough to hide away better than my short-ish frizzy mess.

And my own desire to shed my jacket when hot - because I lack the build of that swine of a brother of mine to really pull off shirtsleeve order. :oops:

Posted : 12/02/2014 5:03 pm
Posts: 2609
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wel i am in the not to serious group ish , though some of my group know how how the nam straps on m1 helmets bug me , but pretty easy on everything else , but i suspect we are talking about the same photos tim and when i saw them i was like ahh that would look so much better if they used plain gloves etc.

Boots i think if have gaiters on etc i would probably never notice, unless its one of my famous face plants right by them , i not a fan of face masks at ww2 but i think its a personal choice as i would never interfere with anyone's view on health and safety, and if i got a tooth shot out maybe my view would change , thankfully like most in the 34th i in the not going to damage my looks dept :rofl:

Posted : 12/02/2014 5:11 pm
Posts: 409
Reputable Member

I think I agree, I must admit, though Im new and have only been to a couple games, I put everything I can into my impressions, even something as little as being well maintained makes a difference.

I've got nothing against stubble but when you see big beards/unhidden long hair and your not playing LRDG, I think it can bring you back to reality. Alas I forget it because, unlike the real thing, this isn't a day in day out thing, its a few games a year and everyone has their own lives, same concept with face masks, I wear a gum shield but I can see why people wear the face masks, even if you are less likely to get hit in the face in ww2 airsoft.

End of the day, I'm just glad I've got guys to fight with and guys to shoot at :giggle:

Posted : 12/02/2014 5:12 pm
Hänschen klein
Posts: 3604
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Modern Combat trousers with pockets trying to pass them off as HBT. :twisted:
Great for the first timer but I would hope that the majority of games on the forum players have excellent kit and thats what people should aspire to not on their 3rd or 4th time still wear them.

Posted : 12/02/2014 5:39 pm
Posts: 494
Honorable Member

I had to go look at the photos from the Luga game and Rise of Tenth again

Regarding the gloves on the photos some of the photos look fine, as it might be slightly burled or far enough away the gloves look like normal black gloves, however I would agree it spoils an otherwise perfect look(Yes I know I'm guilty of the same crime)

Some of the protective glasses in the photos just screamed out at me, like the mesh or glasses with too much frame but then that can't be helped as it's down to personal choice.

Another one is OTT with the weathering of the weapons, that one gets on my nervous no matter what the period, I feel there's no need for it and hey those guns were new at some point

And now I'll dismount for my high horse..........

Posted : 12/02/2014 6:19 pm
Posts: 1211
Noble Member

Dare I say, a bad attitude ruins an impression?

You can have the best kit going, but if you're a twat, you instantly ruin it. That can be either failing to take hits, behaving like Rambo, or just being an overly aggressive arse-hat. As a hobby, this is entirely dependent on the people you play with, particularly so given you're getting shot at and need to have an element of trust that the bloke firing at you has some common sense.

I went LARPing a few times (Christ forgive me... it was on the bucket list), and was struck by the frankly worrying percentage of goons I encountered. A good few of them were an absolute liability; getting smacked in the face with a foam sword is, after a while, liable to test the patience of the Pope. Then you've got the social stunts that attempt 'unarmed combat' using Mock-Fu which, unfortunately, always felt like borderline assault. I don't mind getting kicked about a bit, I did amateur boxing for years, was in the TA, but some of it was downright ridiculous, like they were using it all as a cover to deliberately hurt people.

From a purely 'kit' point of view, an anachronistic gun slightly bugs me. I know M14's are a good, reliable wood stock weapon, but it does bug me a little. Don't get me wrong, I don't cry into my milk and cookies over it, it's what ever you have available and can afford, but hey ho.

Face masks are perhaps a bit wrong, but it's ultimately a safety issue. If you feel safer with one on and enjoy your day more as a result, fair play.

Posted : 12/02/2014 6:42 pm
Posts: 1736
Noble Member

No hat / wrong hat. US forces just wearing a jeep with no helmet cap all day in combat. I know George Segal Ben Gazzara did it for a whole movie, but it was contrary to orders and is so unusual in pics I can't remember seeing it. No hat is just plain wrong.

Posted : 12/02/2014 7:54 pm
Posts: 3523
Famed Member

this is a hard one as there is no one thing , it can be a modern scarf or a digital watch or as mentioned very modern boots , not playing dead i guess get's on my goat more than any obvious visual thing , if you ask you might find someone has bad feet and need's modern footwear or any number of medical problems , a friend of mine has scar tissue problem so has to cover up in case of adding a scar that's out of proportion to the injury but they love the game.it's much more a matter of playing right for me , oh and modern lunches as that's often a good time for photo's and a pot noodle or bag of crisps spoils the picture.

m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well

Posted : 12/02/2014 8:05 pm
Posts: 2682
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The aforementioned gloves probably are my number one pet hate, alongside knee pads on the outside of trousers. WW2 clothing is baggy enough that there should be plenty of room to wear them underneath.

Face masks I don't like but I can at least understand to a degree. I certainly prefer if they are more discreet. Same with goggles really. Mine are frameless to make them as inconspicuous as possible as they are a necessary evil but painting thicker framed/mesh goggles skin toned helps too.

Long hair/ beards I guess I'm less bothered by because this is a small part of our everyday lives and we all have our own style. I generally try to make an effort myself although it can be difficult when you do events that alternate between clean shaven and beard in the wrong order! No attempt to hide long hair does annoy me sometimes though.

Boots is a funny one. I try to not let it bother me because surely its better someone is comfortable and therefore having a good game than uncomfortable/in pain and having a bad time as a result? However I also footwear is s crucial part of a complete impression, not only in looks but also feel in terms of each persons individual immersion in the era. Its a tricky one so I cant really say where I stand.

Edit: Oh yes the lunch thing can annoy me too. I try to make an effort with period food & wrapping when eating in the field so it can be a bit galling when someone pulls out a pack of sandwiches from Tesco next to me. At least leave the packaging in the bag not on display!

Posted : 12/02/2014 8:10 pm
Posts: 316
Reputable Member

I know it's been said and it's a personal safety thing etc, but modern safety goggles spoil it for me. Especially the big ski type ones or the Oakley wrap around sunglass.
People using time/scenario inappropriate weapons, ie at the crete game there was a couple of g43 look-a-likes being used, Yes some leeway is fine but, not even invented, i just thought that was a bit off. IMHO.
Not got a problem with food stuffs in general but why they can't hide them out of sight at photo time baffles me.

Armoury: AGM MP40, AGM Sten MkII, K98K/vsr and Maruzen P38.

Posted : 12/02/2014 9:05 pm
Posts: 11230
Illustrious Member

The incorrect underwear...


Yes, I do have correct underwear for many of my impressions... seriously I do... No, I won't show you...


Seriously some excellent comments on this thread, I am so glad the people who have posted "Get it".

Basically anything modern that could be easily hidden, not used or replaced with a more period looking item.

I don't use gloves unless it's really, really cold and don't see why someone else should insist on using a modern pair. A pair of woollen gloves costs pennies and will do for any impression.

I am actually considerably less concerned about period but incorrect items, though excessive and wrong insignia also is an annoyance

Posted : 12/02/2014 11:07 pm
Posts: 2332
Noble Member

Really good thread, always good to hear people’s opinions on controversial topics!

Safety gear, especially facemasks/googles can be jarring on the eye, but should always be a personal choice since we are engaged in a relatively hazardous activity. That said, nothing destroys the immersion than coming face-to-face with someone in a paintball style mask and I would always urge people to go for low profile glasses.

Cheating and gameplay - I think one of the main things that separates us from normal airsofters is that we are here for the immersive experience (mostly), whereas I’ve always thought that other styles are competing to win. Obviously, we all are trying to complete our objectives and secure ground, however for me certainly this isn’t as important as the experience that comes with a day. I think that this gives us a different mindset to all those others, and someone playing as an ‘open day’ airsofter can spoil an event.

Personal items/food – I like to try and make any grub packaging as authentic as possible (see Seanebabes thread for ideas! viewtopic.php?f=221&t=15949), in my opinion its worth taking a little time to decant stuff from modern containers to more authentic packaging .

Keep the ideas coming guys, this has been a good read!

Posted : 13/02/2014 9:32 am
Posts: 2866
Famed Member

I think the general category of excessively obvious modern items (gloves, kneepads, non fleshtone full facemasks, goretex padded speed lace boots etc) is a reasonable one to be careful about, but if forced to pick just one, it is the same as CHthree. No hat/wrong hat.

Nothing says '1940s' more than wearing a hat all the time, and nothing says 'modern' more than not wearing one. Even a cap comforter is better than nothing. When I paint my toy soldiers, the things which really stand out are hands, faces and hats.

I suppose in response to the OP, not wearing a hat isn't an otherwise good WW2 impression, so it is back to the excessively modern items.


"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.

Posted : 13/02/2014 12:15 pm
Posts: 651
Honorable Member

Excellent and considered responses above. Getting details like hidden hair and modern gloves right can help the feeling of immersion far more than getting all the details of uniform and insignia placement correct.

My personal gripe, and with airsoft it is a diffcult one because it requires some "acting" is remembering that you are using what is supposed to be a firearm not a toy ball thrower.
Using a MP40 with the stock folded and held next to your eye to aim would result in a black eye at best from the recoil. If you are taking aimed shots use the stock. This applies to rifle users as well who sometimes seem to forget the recoil would be enough to severly bruise if you do not firmly shoulder the weapon. For support weapons resting on a small bush or wobbly pallet that would just collapse as soon as you fired just looks odd.

None of this will make you more likely to win, but it may help everyone have a more immersive day.

Posted : 13/02/2014 1:44 pm
Posts: 2213
Noble Member

I'd agree with most of the comments so far, gloves and vader masks being the worst offenders visually.

I'd take the hat thing a stage further and say that for general infantry in combat, with the exception of Russians, Brit airborne, and officers, a helmet is a must for a complete impression. As I think chthree says, it was regulation and in reality it might well have saved your life! It's also the one thing which really makes a squad look like a squad, a bunch of Brits could have a variety of wools, denim and KD, but when they all have a helmet they immediately look like a unit. On a practical note it protects your head (obviously) especially in urban event. Even in woodland it is so much more practical than a soft hat. Push through some bushes and the branches will pull the cap off your head. With a helmet you can just put your head down and plough through like a bull!

The other thing which often pains me is when people have all the right kit but wear it all wrong, usually as if it were modern kit. Belts worn loose on the hips instead of high on the waist, gaiters with the buckles on the wrong side of the leg or upside down even, canteens on the front thigh cos it's easier to get too, etc. these types of things all totally ruin an impression. Worst of all is when I see people using zip ties to keep their pouches and webbing from moving around! :slap:

A more minor niggle is the use of the wrong or some random pouch because the mags of their weapon fit in them well, g43 mag pouches with a K98 for instance. Tunics have nice big pockets so just use them instead!

“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942

"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942

Posted : 13/02/2014 2:27 pm
Posts: 10414
Illustrious Member

Dare I say, a bad attitude ruins an impression?

You can have the best kit going, but if you're a tw*t, you instantly ruin it. That can be either failing to take hits, behaving like Rambo, or just being an overly aggressive arse-hat. As a hobby, this is entirely dependent on the people you play with, particularly so given you're getting shot at and need to have an element of trust that the bloke firing at you has some common sense.

Excellent point. :good: The correct mindset is essential.

Here are my bugbears: T-shirt worn under a tunic - you can always see the neck! Breadbag with nothing in it - argh! If you've nothing to put in it, shove a pair of socks in it - anything. In fact, the more stuff you have in all pockets, the better it looks - these guys lived out of their uniforms. Everything else I can think of has already been said - helmets are a must for an authentic combat look, bar a very few exceptions.

You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:02 pm
Posts: 3523
Famed Member

yup it's been said before but helmets really can mask all manner of ill's in an impression , they can be a dear item but should be high on the list of stuff to get , i'd go so far as to say a helmet is more important than webbing or even the right weapon in making you'r self blend in with a unit.

m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well

Posted : 13/02/2014 6:30 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin

While correct footwear completes an impression for me it is definitely the head that is most important. It is the principal thing you look at, the principle thing that identifies friend or foe at a distance, and provides the iconic look. It therefore follows, to me, that incorrect headgear, very visible or peculiar eye protection, facial hair and long hair are the factors that makes me think, privately, "Oh dear, that's a shame". Still, we manage to overlook grey-haired ancient soldiers, overweight soldiers and soldiers with breasts. And sometimes all three. Erm, not three breasts, all three groups.

However, for me, usually, when in-game none of this is something I dwell on - WW2 airsoft has higher ideals than just looking spot on. But it definitely comes to the fore before or after a game - and especially in photos. But no matter - in any case it is very rare one sees either a WW2 airsofter or traditional reenactor that looks 100% bob on in every respect - most of us, no matter how perfect the kit, just don't look right! Tip - avoid cameras at all costs - I always cringe when I see photos of myself. :lol:

Posted : 13/02/2014 7:12 pm
Posts: 1736
Noble Member

Tip - avoid cameras at all costs - I always cringe when I see photos of myself. :lol:

Oh yes, too true.

Posted : 13/02/2014 9:01 pm
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