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German Kit Clearout

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Posts: 2213
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Having a clearout so have lots of kit going for sensible prices. Can post or bring to the Gunman Foy game, P+P extra. Paypal or Cash accepted.

First batch, pictures to follow:

1. SS M43 NCO tunic Size 42/44. Good quality complete with all insignia, NCO tress and shoulderboards. - £40 -SOLD
2. Leather Belt (110cm) with very nice painted steel SS buckle - £20 -SOLD
3. Complete German Canteen set. Brand new Repro, Flask, Cover Strap and Small bakerlite cup - £25 -SOLD

4. Folding E-tool and Carrier. Post-war DDR E-tool with Brown Bakerlite collar, repro leather carrier. - £25
5. Original fabric Gas Cape bag - £10 - SOLD
6. Replica Wooden stick grenade - £4 - SOLD
7. Replica Wooden Nebelkerzen 39 smoke grenade - £6 - SOLD

8. Original Aluminium Petrol Light - £10
9. Heer Pionier Bottle Green shoulderboards - £5
10. SS Mans Infantry Shoulderboards - £5 - SOLD Pending Payment
11. Kragenbind Collar liner, brand new - £2.50 - SOLD
12. Canvas Rifle grenade launcher pouch, great for gas or pyros - £4 -SOLD
13. Bronze Anti-partisan award -£5
14. Torqe Head-over - £3 -SOLD
15. Tunic Belt hooks - set of 4, 1 home-made. £3 -SOLD
16. Gaiters - 2 sets - £5 per set. - SOLD

“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942

"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942

Posted : 07/03/2014 7:10 pm
Posts: 2213
Noble Member
Topic starter

“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942

"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942

Posted : 07/03/2014 7:22 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

1 ,2, 3 , 6 , 7 please :)

Posted : 07/03/2014 7:42 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member

and 5 , 12 and 14 lol

Posted : 07/03/2014 7:43 pm
Posts: 310
Reputable Member

Please add item 15 to Chris' lot and I will pay him the £3. Thanks. :)

Posted : 07/03/2014 8:00 pm
Posts: 174
Estimable Member

Pm,ed re >No.4. Folding E-tool and Carrier. Post-war DDR E-tool with Brown Bakerlite collar, repro leather carrier. - £25

WW2 Amory
K98 Springer Sniper Rifle
Luger P08
KMZ/BMW R71 Combo
Thompson M1A1
M1 Carbine
3 x 1911A1
1942 Willys MB + Trailer

Posted : 10/03/2014 11:33 pm
Posts: 2866
Famed Member

PM'd re item 11 (collar liner).


"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.

Posted : 11/03/2014 9:06 am