Keroman Raid
A Southern Army Division Game held at UCAP Airsoft Bunker
Saturday 2nd December 2017
UCAP Bunker
Beneath Fort Southwick
Portsdown Hill Road
PO17 6AR
There is no access to UCAP via Fort Southwick, do not enter the fort. UCAP is based under the fort via it`s own access road just to the west of the fort on the main road. The nearest postcode is: PO17 6AR
Price: £35
PLACES Strictly LIMITED to 15 per side.
Scenario: Keroman Submarine Base was a German U-boat base located in Lorient France. Großadmiral Karl Dönitz decided to build the base on 28 June 1940. Between February 1941 and January 1942 three gigantic reinforced concrete structures were built on the Keroman peninsula. The Uboats operating in the Atlantic are starving the Allies of vital war supplies. The construction of the `Dom` concrete pens has defeated all Allied bombing raids. It has been decided to launch a Commando Raid on the pens to Sabotage vital areas within the complex and to extract Technical information contained within including elements of new Weapons Systems and Ciphers. Since the St Naziare Raid the Germans have put steps in place to defeat a large scale frontal attack. This mission will rely heavily on Stealth and Cunning.
Player Mind-set:
As with previous events hosted by our former groups, we absolutely insist that you operate within your designated squad and follow the instructions of your squad leader. This will be a big part of the player experience and it`s non-negotiable. We want people to have fun but we won`t tolerate are lone wolves or freestylers.
If you have a problem with people telling you what to do then please don`t sign up.
If you just want to wander around the site looking for trigger time then please don`t sign up.
If you want to participate in a tactical, high quality, non-stop, immersive WWII event then this game is open to all, whether you are a seasoned veteran or a raw recruit.