Operation Lighting - Booking thread and booking information.
Sunday 29th March 2009 - Grange Farm Airsoft
This is the official booking thread. As with previous games, once you have booked and payment has cleared your name will appear on this list.
Before you book some words about the event.
1. Camping is available on Saturday 28th March for those who wish to stay (details to follow), otherwise you'll need to be on site by 9am on Sunday 29th.
Please make sure you bring adequate cold-weather equipment for camping in March. Tents, 3-season sleeping bags and plenty of warm and wet-weather clothes are a must. As is adequate food and water.
2. This is our 2nd battle event and we are pleased to co-run it with Kampfgruppe SS. Priority of booking will be given to PBI and KGSS members, if you woul dlike to play and are not a member of either group you must first apply to join the group you wish to play for *or* be invited via PM by a group co-ordinator.
3. A high standard of kit is required for this event. Please see PBI and KGSS standards in the relevant forum sections.
4. Game fees does not include lunch and tea/coffee on Sunday 29th. Further refreshments will be available to be purchased from Grange Farm
5. PBI events have a minimum player age of 18 (at game date)
A £5 deposit is required to secure your place with the remaining balance to be paid on the day at Grange Farm airsoft.
Payment is in full £25 for a SS/Heer/Commando role and £20 for partisan/civilian/agent role.
Your £5 deposit can be paid in three ways:
-Paypal to gadge@nightmare.org.uk
-Cash or cheque payable to 'G.Harvey' and sent to:
153 Allington Avenue
Include your full name, forum name and side playing.
There are limited places a side to start with; although we will go up if we can keep the sides balanced.
Deposit fees are non-refundable however your place is transferable. If you are unable to attend then you may make your own arrangements to swap with another player, you can use the forum for this purpose. We only ask that your transfer keeps the sides balanced. If you want to swap sides it must be approved by PBI/KGSS organisers before transfer.
(PIF) denotes paid in full
9th SS Task Group - Kit as per KGSS Regulations
Group Leaders:
Del Scott (JD7)
1. Andy Kneale (steiner)
2. Richard Vaughan (lardassmonkey)
3. John Marsden (John M)
4. Anthony Gregory (porta)
5. Stephen Davies (steD)
6. Paul Gregory (Tiny) (PIF)
7. Paul Stirling (pinkpanzer)
8. Jason Evans (jay851)
9. Steve Wicks (otto)
10. R.Kynaston (Bobby K)
11. Neil Blume (neilblume)
Heer Garrison - Field grey heer uniform, no camo items please.
1.Carl Sanderson (Fandanglos)
2.Neil Boshier (Boshman)
3.Martin Sole (bednherts)
4.Che Sanderson
5. Dink (helga)
British - 2 Commando -Kit as per PBI regulations
Group Leaders:
Richard Heath (Yith)
1. Matt Webb (webby)
2. Pete Grice (Pete 59)
3. Gavin Compton (Peppered) (PIF)
4. Chomley Warner
5. Ed Davidson (panther)
6. Nige Cheetham (scaleyback)
7. Sandy (stof)
8. Jeremy Blume
9. Anne Quinn (Barie and Anne) (PIF)
10. Barrie Quinn(Barie and Anne)(PIF)
11. Craig Armistead (wladek)
12. David Mindham (horus)
13. Cliff Southwood
14. Damaris Hockey
15. Ramsay
Partisan/Brandenburg Commando - 1940s civilian kit, you may intersperse this with one or two items of UK/Russian or German kit but please try and look irregular.
M. Etherington (Dieselmonkey)
1. Stephen Badham (Headshot)
2. Sian Westall
3. Dean Armistead (lipton)
4. Jason Sparrow
7. Pete Dunn
8. S. Dunn
10. Seidle
"I think we are in rats' alley - Where the dead men lost their bones."