Hi Chris can you add Liam Sellars to the list please. I will paypal his deposit over to you
Hey Up Chris,
Could you book me down for Kraut Please.
Here's hoping I can make it ah ha,
sorry James i had meant to add you, but forgot
Can I still join the German ranks? Pretty new to the battles but enjoyed Hell's Highway. I hope that Santa will bring all gear for the German outfit. Therefore should be ready for the 19th. Would be coming from West London that morning, maybe there is someone I could join or who would need a ride.
well if you want to make the long trip , you are most welcome , just remember there is no camping so could be a long day , if you are short a couple of things we may be able to sort loan out, if you still want to come send us the deposit and will get you booked in
Well, after buying all the stuff (if it arrives and fits), I am keen to use it. I have not seen any other announcement of a WWII event, hence I will get up real early . As for additional stuff, I might come back to the offer closer to the day. Will see how my gear arrives and if I forgot anything. Trying a basic Heer infantry outfit with MP40.
How can I get the money to you?
Forgot to mention...have no PayPal account.
have sent you a message
will pay deposit on monday