Wow, what can I say.
Top 3 best days Airsoft I've had, not just ww2 but Airsoft.
Thanks so much Josh for putting on something so different with so much effort. I've never felt scared in Airsoft, today I was petrified when having my papers checked while concealing a weapon. So much to worry about, whether to arm myself or not, finding the SOE, hiding the Morse code machine, hiding from patrols....just bloody fantastic.
I've fired around 80 rounds today and I couldn't stop grinning the full 4 hour drive home, says it all.
Thanks again and hopefully do something with the Dutch/polish resistance now .
I am totally shattered from the Heat. Hottest day of the year and we were parading around in Field Grey Wools. For once I would have swapped the Hugo Boss uniforms for something a bit more casual a la French resistance.
Josh thanks for putting a great effort into the scenario. Loved the role play mixed with intense fire fights. The start of the day was fantastic with a great explosion in the Bar by the 2 French resistance players. Never seen such a Film set explosion in an Airsoft event and we have put on some big ones with Peter our pyro man.
The French really bought into it happy to have papers checked engaging on conversation putting on `Outragous French accents` trying to sell the Germans `Plonker` wine etc.
Well done to all especially Fremsley in his full Gendarmes uniform and Big Truncheon He was swapping sides all day giving us info and I suspect the French as well.
Funnist bit of the day was when the German garrison heard Whistle blows and “Man Down ““Man Down ““Man Down “ call there were some concerned faces as we wandered out of the village to the river only to see the Gendarme bumbling towards us shouting “Man Down “. After a few seconds we realised that the Outragoeus Alo Alo accent was in fact “Murdered man German soldier in the other village.
All’s well that ends well, apart from the murdered sentry.
Well that’s war.
Fantastic day everyone thanks to you all for making it so , I had so much fun keeping an eye on the Marquis/Frenchies , checking paper work etc etc . Thanks Josh you did one hell of a job on the days events . Thanks for lending me a rifle when me MP40 died , can't wait for the next one you do , Possibly November you mentioned , jolly good
Can only confirm what has already been written. Role play was great. Sitting in my office I was given proper reports from all officers and soldiers alike. Sometimes it felt like bee hive. We had proper line ups for presentation to the LW visitor. Well played.
My respect to the resistance. We searched them and I am sure my men tried their best to find weapons. We did find some but I am sure that was only the tip of the iceberg. I was told there was bribery going on!!! I did not see and was not present with single case of taking them. So did it work?
SOE - well played. Sorry that we had to execute the prisoners but we had orders from Berlin
Loved the role playing game part. Thanks again Josh and everyone.
Amazing Game ,
Loved the role play aspect and as always the WW2 airsoft community was spot on !
A real fund and amazing day !
Thanks ever so much !
A big thanks to Josh and crew for a great day. Luckily I was posted to HQ so didn't have to go out on patrol in the heat of the day, although in HBT's I was probably a bit cooler than most of my comeraden. Highlight of the day, among many, was probably sending out a unit to investigate a suspicious pile of sawdust, only to find out after much shooting and prodding that it was in fact, just a pile of sawdust
Thanks to everyone! Josh - we’ll done! It was my first Ww2 game - only done Vietnam games before for a few years. This was a lot of fun...being an over-baked German soldier for a day!
Apologies to all the sneaky French I challenged. Especially the sneaky one that hid a knife under his beret! Cunning, but no cigar for you mon Amis! Oh and that nice innocent couple sitting on a bench... with an smg hidden in the bush behind you... sneaky. Sorry for using it on your friends when the whole village turned on my unit.
Oh and that gendarme ... grrr. My only satisfaction was shooting you with my pistol that someone failed to search me for before we were all brutally murdered! (You were great!)
Anyway- lots of fun! Keep an eye out fur Oscars photos on Wyvern airsoft when they come out. They are always great - although I always look less heroic than I thought I was being at the time!
Massive thanks to all who organised and turned up, I had a fantastic day. Absolutely superb site and I look forward to visiting again in the future. As for the event itself, just outstanding, the whole theme was awesome and absolutely brilliant use of props (I liked the authentic radio traffic in our hq).
Pretty sure I was the first waffen grenadier to be assassinated outside the pub. Sneaky gits, I knew you were up to something
Still, brilliant day, and I look forward to seeing you all at the next
P.s does anyone have a link to where the photos from the day might be at, I did catch a glimpse of the photographer, almost shot him on one occasion as I rounded the corner and saw a guy dressed in civvies aiming something at me
P.s does anyone have a link to where the photos from the day might be at, I did catch a glimpse of the photographer, almost shot him on one occasion as I rounded the corner and saw a guy dressed in civvies aiming something at me
Here you go
A massive thanks to everyone for an immersive and hair raising experience - This was my first role play air soft sortie and it was absolutely unforgettable. The explosion was beyond anything I was expecting, stumbling out of the burning remnants of the bar was surreal At times it felt like we were fighting the Vietcong in those furs, shots could literally come from anywhere! I learnt my lesson the hard way - don't wear joggers underneath a wool uniform A terrible shame you wouldn't typically see DAK uniforms in an occupied French hamlet.
Congratulations to the Frenchies for ending the day with a massacre that would bring tears of joy to Quentin Tarantino
Oscar is a genius with the pictures
Great day, thanks Josh and his crew for putting it together. Thanks to the Germans who put on a great show and seemed to be everywhere, thought the village looked great. Loved the immersion, meeting French resistance in the hills for clandestine meetings only to discover they'd been followed and we were in a trap. I think that the SOE & resistance format could do with another outing? in the meantime I'll take a few morse code lessons! Thanks for the pics Oscar, they look great.