Please post up any questions regarding the event here.
“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942
"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942
where do i sign ?... already excited.
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
Yep yep! dotted line please!
Hopefully the curse wont strike you.
As above!
I have a small skewer hidden in the collar of my jumping jacket, and a razorblade in my gaiter, as well as my knife.
the name of the game has been changed to avoid the curse i recon
m1a1 Thompson,sten mk2,mp40,stg44,sterling,mk2 bren gun,lee Enfield no4 mk1,Mauser Kar98, Walther ppk,smith and Weston m10 and Mauser m712
Give me a big enough hammer and a place to stand and I could fix the world.
i'll kill a man in a fair fight or if i think he's going to start a fair fight or over a woman or.......
a problem shared is a problem halved ,but an advantage shared is no advantage at all
if a job's not worth doing then its certainly not worth doing well
I may want to sign up as a Russian civilian.
Kitwhore files: S&S Lee Enfield No. 4, AGM Sten Mk. II, Tanaka Kar 98k, WE Luger P08
Wishlist: AGM Stg44, possible LE No. 4 gas project
I may want to sign up as a Russian civilian.
You mean Factory Workers Militia?
Not a problem although we should have lots or Russian uniforms, field gear and helmets available for loan
“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942
"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942
Not a problem although we should have lots or Russian uniforms, field gear and helmets available for loan
Personal reasons. I'm a Pole, I will not put on a Nazi or a Soviet uniform. A regular guy caught up in the war is someone I can identify with however.
I'll see if I can get my Kar98k to shoot at 350fps or below.
Kitwhore files: S&S Lee Enfield No. 4, AGM Sten Mk. II, Tanaka Kar 98k, WE Luger P08
Wishlist: AGM Stg44, possible LE No. 4 gas project
oo, workers militia.
Got to think of a coat one is happy to get a gunked up with Portsmouth-White-Mud if I remember the site right?
Should be fairly easy to get something similar in a charity shop or at a flea market
Kitwhore files: S&S Lee Enfield No. 4, AGM Sten Mk. II, Tanaka Kar 98k, WE Luger P08
Wishlist: AGM Stg44, possible LE No. 4 gas project
Ah bum, already booked for that weekend. One of my favourite sites too.
Militia is fine, but you would of course be under the command of the Russians, and not a "free agent".
You've got nothing to ein, zwei, drei, vier
oo, workers militia.
Got to think of a coat one is happy to get a gunked up with Portsmouth-White-Mud if I remember the site right?
It's dug out of the chalk cliffs, how "gunky" it gets depends on how much rain there has been as it filters through the rock. I don't think it's any muckier than the UCAP Sandpit site TBH.
“I wanted to come to the Volga at a specific location at a specific city. By chance it carries the name of Stalin himself. So don’t think I marched there for this reason – it could carry another name – but because there is a very important goal... this goal I wanted to take – and you know – we are very modest, we have it already."
Adolf Hitler, November 1942
"Comrades, Red Army men, commanders and political workers, men and women guerrillas! It is on your perseverance, staunchness, fighting skill and readiness to discharge your duty to the country that the defeat of the German-fascist army and the liberation of the Soviet land from the Hitlerite invaders depend! We can and must clear the Soviet land of Hitlerite vermin."
Joseph Stalin, November 1942
"Got to think of a coat one is happy to get a gunked up with Portsmouth-White-Mud if I remember the site right?"
i got it all over my panzer outfit and it brushed out no problems,
"Take that you rotton helping of strawberry flan!"
Joseph Porta to "strawberrys and cream", in the sven hassel book ,ogpu prison
Awesome! Count me in fellas, probably be my only weekend this year so i'm not missing this one!
Oo Oo! Sounds/looks awesome! Here's where I make good on my resolution so, sign me up!
I must confess I was originally a bit dubious as I am not the worlds greatest fan of CQB however the site looks more like the Drakelowe, so I am up for this one. Looks like my Russian kit is going to earn its keep this year Do you sleep in the tunnels or are there buildings or something? (if not pitching a tent).
Given that this is in November, would I be right in thinking that Josh isn't going to be a doing a November game? I can do one November game but not two. Given that it is early in November, I'm also guessing nothing is happening in October either. Some clues from organisers would be handy for diary planning
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.
Clues? Josh slated a date for end of Nov/beginning December - but this was floated November last year and as yet no plans have been forthcoming to other organisers...
Anyway, UCAP tunnels is an awesome site, very atmospheric and the walls are soaked with history and not to be missed. I'd say the open day games could be classed as CQB but AGS are playing the site with ammo restraint and objective-led and tension-filled game play (as have all WW2 games run so far at this site). So a confined space and not an open woodland for sure but not CQB as you would know it! Even sleeping in the tunnels is an experience - no tents!
This is a great site, just down the road from me and on my birthday too, couldnt ask for more, sadly it looks like I'll miss it as my other half has already arranged a trip for that day, and I just cant see how I can square this particular circle. Must the be first and only time I'll wish I was down a Russian sewer rather than out drinking.
Anyway, UCAP tunnels is an awesome site,
Thanks Dave.
"Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" Helmuth von Moltke
Toys: AGM MP40, Cyma M1A1, TM M14/G43/SVT40, TM VSR/K98, SnS No. 4, ASG Sten, Ppsh.