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Booking dates

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Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin
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OK, we know these days is is hard to commit to events (the days of a game booking up in two days flat seems to have long gone).

Rather than offer a discount to early bookers (actually, charging more to late bookers which is a bit harsh penalising those who have difficulty paying!) we are playing this with a straight bat. And since we have to be fair to the site owner who stands to lose a lot of money by having a WW2 game abandoned at the last minute and to ourselves for needlessly wasting a couple of hundred man hours we will have a cut off date of 15th May.

If by the 15th May we don't have sufficient numbers of booked and paid up players then we will bow to the inevitable and abandon the game and refund monies paid. We need a lot of players on the British side to make this work else the Germans will have no challenge and the whole thing becomes rather pointless. :wink:

So, the message is clear - please, please, please, if you intend to come to the game please post below so others can see the level of interest (we know players hold back until they see others booking) and think about paying sooner rather than later. There has already been a WW2 airsoft game cancelled this year, let's not make it a trend. Times aren't particularly easy for some I know - but life will be even more miserable if you don't have WW2 airsoft games to go to! :lol:

EDIT: At the kind suggestion of Yith we are putting in place a deposit system in recognition of empty purses or stretched resources. We are therefore happy to take £15 as a deposit ASAP to book a place, with the balance of £30 payable before 15th May. At least we will be a bit surer we have a viable game or not before the deadline. :wink:

Posted : 19/03/2013 9:08 am
Posts: 280
Reputable Member

90% yes, will pay in two weeks.

Kitwhore files: S&S Lee Enfield No. 4, AGM Sten Mk. II, Tanaka Kar 98k, WE Luger P08
Wishlist: AGM Stg44, possible LE No. 4 gas project

Posted : 19/03/2013 9:19 am
Posts: 9991
Illustrious Member

Also, just to add...this is a Midlands event!! In a recent discussion on the general airsoft area of the forum lots of people were calling out for something in the Midlands....well, here it is!!!

Posted : 19/03/2013 9:52 am
Posts: 2199
Noble Member

I'm in :good:

I'll have to get my finger out and get some of my surplus kit up for sale, which will hopefully mean I can afford to book earlier than intended

Posted : 19/03/2013 12:54 pm
Posts: 15632
Illustrious Member Admin
Topic starter

At the kind suggestion of Yith we are putting in place a deposit system in recognition of empty purses or stretched resources. We are therefore happy to take £15 as a deposit ASAP to book a place, with the balance of £30 payable before 15th May. At least then we will be a bit surer we have a viable game or not before the deadline. :wink:

Posted : 19/03/2013 2:07 pm
Posts: 2199
Noble Member

Deposit sent :D

Posted : 20/03/2013 9:28 pm
Posts: 651
Honorable Member

I will sort out sending the deposit this week.

Posted : 02/04/2013 12:20 pm
Posts: 4652
Famed Member

I am wanting join in! Just need to confirm 'booking' the time off with the rest of the family...

A Proud Member Of 'Team Spleen!' who play mainly at Gunman Airsoft, Tuddenham, Suffolk.

Posted : 03/04/2013 9:03 pm