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ok in case i missed any bits etc and anything i will think of will add here as last minute news :)

should be able to get on site from about 7.30 if needed , should be a red bull sign at the end of the road to indicate where to turn :)

ok brief if all goes well is 9.30 i dont want the game to be a late start been at two this year when was close to 12 start time when should have been 10-10.30

Endex is 16:00

there is no lunch break you will eat in the field so bring lunch

But both sides have a HQ which is out of bounds where you can leave kit / food / water / ammo etc , which you will visit between missions , so you dont have to carry everything all day (unless you want too) , if eating in the field post guards lol

Pace yourself - this is a challenging site (well it is to a fatty like me)

Squad play - stick together as a squad as much as you can if you lose your squad on this site , it won't go well , you have the mobile cp and medics to keep folks alive

Hydrate ! everyone should be carrying some fluids

Just because you can see the enemy does not mean you should always engage the enemy - think will it help or hinder your mission

Maps , the map will be put up soon , and some will be printed for squad leaders and number 2s.

the shop for bbs , pyros etc will be open till brief then will be shut so buy the supplies you need for the day

every player will have to sign a site player form and chrono guns so allow time for this as well

Please do not drop any litter , there will be a black bag at your hq place your litter there :)

Bring Bandages if you have them :)

Read the rules - viewtopic.php?f=253&t=17788&p=242833#p242833

Supply boxes if you are offended by modern sweets etc in game please look away when opening :) our supply boxes are part of our game and won't be going anywhere :) and these are the biggest ones yet

Medics : you will start with a set amount of morphine (15 i think) , there is also 10 in your supply box mission and a further 10 on a different mission (please try to keep wrappers rather than just drop :)

DO NOT touch , move or mess with any props not involved in your mission , if any one is found doing this it will be treated as cheating and you risk being kicked off site

Posted : 27/08/2014 7:56 pm
Posts: 2609
Famed Member
Topic starter

Just to Confirm we have printed enough maps for everyone :)-- attachment is not available --

Posted : 29/08/2014 8:48 am