If anyone wants to advertise stuff here for sale and collection at the event please post away
SnowWolf M1A1 Thompson for Sale:
- 2 High cap Mags
- Very Good condition
I'll be selling up a load of my German gear, too much to list with individual prices. To include all webbing, jacket trousers, great coat boots etc. Hope to be there Friday evening so plenty of chance to come and have a rummage.
I have an anti aircraft tripod for an mg42 if anyone is interested, it's had better days but perfectly serviceable and I'd like fifty quid for it. It goes without saying that it's too heavy to post but I'm happy to throw it in the van and bring it along if anyone is interested.
I have Six ICS M3 high cap magazines for sale, I will bring them along.
.... I Hate ALL officers....
hi guys I will be bring along a few bits........................
Will be bring my King Arms Thompson too
a bit more..................
hi guys I will be bring along a few bits........................
Whats the M1A1 Carbine like?
FPS wise?
Designated Support Gunner- Maybe one day i may actually hit someone!
Germany: MG42, MP40, Mauser M712
Italy: Berretta M38A
U.S.A: M1918SLR B.A.R
U.K: Lee Enfield SMLE
Hi m1 is a denix replica it doesn't firer yet , but with some know how this could be made into an Airsoft rifle..........
Kind regards
Regarding my M1A1 Thompson I am selling, if anyone wants to make me an offer or take it then I would appreciate it if you could pm me before the event. Thanks
Will be bringing this Sterling bought from these forums a couple of years ago, hardly used it. Looking for around £250 or swaps. I believe it was as Ashashi? Converted to AEG. Comes with a lipo a Sterling mag converted to low cap and a sterling mag original. It will happily run sten mags.
I'm selling my Walther P38 springer. I used it as a sidearm when I had my MG34. The upper receiver was painted with acid etch primer and humbrol graphite.
I've only used it a few times, comes with a bottle of .12 bbs, although I think they're a bit light. Price £20.
PM me if your interested, I'll be coming on Saturday morning around 8am or so.
I'm really looking forward to this game! It should be the DB's.
After sorting much kit just found a Kings Arms 110 rd MP40 Mag £10 if anyone wants it
Razorlight, PM sent ref your P38
Razorlight, tried to send you a PM but for some reason its just sat in my inbox going nowhere, anyway unless someone else has dibs on it ill have your P38 off of you, ill be down friday eve
Hi Stumpy, it's yours. See you Friday evening hopefully or Saturday morning.
Got BD Jacket that is large, so much that its arms are far too long for me.
I'm a hero with coward's legs.
Will it fit a fat bloke?