Mk3 helmet still available
Awesome game more photos to come-- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available --
Cheers Uniform is still available if you need it buddy helmet feildblause and trousers I've also got a pair of gemachen I. E gaiters if needed no bo...
Hi to all Thank-you for all your offers of kit for me to borrow I do appreciate all your kind offers & will pm some of you for the items I...
Hi Goodwood1944 Thanks for the offer & yes that would be fantastic if your the same-ish sizes as myself I can borrow some webbing & bo...
Hi Goodwood1944 Thanks for the offer & yes that would be fantastic if your the same-ish sizes as myself I can borrow some webbing & bo...
Hi there there are No Commando units being portrayed in this event? Please see uniform section and initial Brief in the thread. Not being an expert i...
Hi there there are No Commando units being portrayed in this event? Please see uniform section and initial Brief in the thread. Not being an expert i...
Sorry everyone I have no German kit of any kind so I'm looking for any help I can get. Due to my health no I'm not dying but will no...
Hi there there are No Commando units being portrayed in this event? Please see uniform section and initial Brief in the thread. Not being an expert i...
Fair enough is the the second battalion hampshire regiment ok since they were part of xxx corps
Cost £30 payable via Paypal to Please add message of Name Forum Name and which unit you wish to be posted to (Please...
Could I go british commando please hans I'll have to pay in a couple of weeks when I get paid
Just a few more photos-- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available ---- attachment is not available --
Really great day still shattered enjoyed myself greatly and good to see some of the lads again some old faces and some new. I don't know how I was ab...
Hi I've sent payment through could you mark me down as payed. Thanks
Hey dude am I able to book and pay on arrival if so could I go the British contingent as a commando. Thanks
Hi mate sorry about the delay I've been away away and then been snowed under at work but I'm still up for the battledress if still available really so...
Hi dude if it's still available I'm very interested
The pictures are great that the pork pie bomb MK1 went off with a good oink even though trying to light that fuse was a bit tricky.